JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE VIDEO: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of October 30, 2023

JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE VIDEO : Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of October 30, 2023: The latest video will be shown earlier at the official website, restoredrepublic. Co. Judy Note, Blackmoat/Ttoos, Halloween Stock Market crash, In crisis, J. P. Morgan, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs close hundreds of branches, lay off thousands as they brace for a financial meltdown, an economic crash leading to the most significant wealth transfer in history, the global currency reset. During this dark satanic Halloween, All Hallows’ Eve season that runs from Sunday 29th of October to Wednesday first of November.

Please help to save the children. High alert. Satan followers in local satanic covens across the globe were kidnapping, raping, and holding child sacrifice rights during this, their very secret of all Hallows’ Eve, Halloween celebrations that culminate on Sunday, 29th of October to Wednesday first of November. The Canadian Vancouver Club was believed to have scheduled a satanic child sex and torture right on Saturday 28th of October. You can protest this horror of Venice Carnival Halloween event by gathering during the event on Saturday 28th of October at the Vancouver Club at 9:15 West Hasting Street in Vancouver,

Canada, and or writing to the court handling the case. Learn more Sunday, 29th of October. At 3:00 PM Pacific Time on HereWeStand Radio. Friday, 27th of October, Trump returns. White hats intel current situation, Trump’s Red Friday redemption, extremism on American soil, White Hat’s military and trumpet sounds being heard across the world. Be prepared for emergency broadcast system activation where the white hat military will be taking down the fake news mainstream media satellites and providing real news through the new StarLynx satellite system.

There is a time when everything will change and the world will have no internet for a while. We are approaching that timeline. Get ready for it. Q. A. What we think we know this a Friday, October 27th, 2023, Barack Hussein Obama was a mass murderer and puppetmaster for a deceased Biden who commanded 200,000 uranium contaminated drone bombs in the Middle East on children, women, and men. Obama was preceded in these evil deeds of the Satan-worshipping UN by the mass murderers of the Bush and Clinton clan. Since 2014,

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the US has been backing the UN/Nazi Germany genocide of the citizens of Ukraine in the Donbas region until Russia stepped in and finally stopped it around October fifth, 2023. Donbas was considered a major headquarters of the Cabal’s International Child Sex Trafficking, Adrinochrome, and Organ Harvesting Ring until the Russian takeover this October. The Russian military rescued hundreds of children, after which the global white hat Special Forces crushed the cartel. Special Forces Spetsna’s team crushes Adrinochrome cartel in Ukraine. Over 500,000 innocent Ukrainian citizens were killed in that Ukrainian Holocaust sponsored by the US/US.

The Cabals vangard, Blackrock and State Street received major funding off of these war efforts of the US/US, just as they did from the COVID pandemic. Many of those dead Ukrainians were children who were sexually abused, tortured, and then used for adrenal chrome and organ harvesting in underground tunnels and US sponsored bio-weapon labs. Putin cleared out those underground tunnel bio-weapon labs and rescued thousands of children. Thousands of children rescued, mutilated bodies recovered from by the known Ukraine property containing US-run bio-weapon labs.

Biden-owned property in Ukraine, under which was a major underground tunnel used for child sex and human trafficking. Biden/obama tied to child sex trafficking, children, bodies rescued from US Bio-weapon Labs under Biden-Ukraine property. Over $46 billion of US taxpayer dollars had been spent on weapons for Ukraine that were manufactured in the US by the Woodward Company, weapons that were now being sent to bomb Georgia. The top shareholder of Woodward was the Cabal’s vandal company. Senator reveals Biden released thousands of migrant children into hands of pedophiles.

The real wargoing is not between Israelis and Palestinians, but between White Hats and Satanists. White Hat Special Forces are now in Israel with shoot to kill orders against any person who goes against the rules of war and chivalry by attacking non-combatants. They understand very well that the Satanists are pretending to be both Hamas and Israeli soldiers. The Satanists’ job is to stage horrific incidents on both sides in order to incite Israelis and Arabs into killing each other. A Hamas crisis actor pretends to be a victim of an Israeli airstrike appearing in a hospital bed while pretending to be in a critical condition as two supporting actors hold his hand.

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In reality, the man is a Hamas musician and actor who has been appearing in various videos for the terror group. One video he is seen celebrating in the streets has Hamas fire rockets towards Israel. In another video, he can be seen crying after claiming his apartment was hit by an airstrike. And in another video, he is seen singing while brandishing a gun while praising Hamas. The pandemic was used as a cover for the destruction of the Adrinochrome harvesting facilities in the United States. The war in Ukraine was used as a cover for the destruction of the Adrinochrome harvesting facilities in Ukraine.

The terrorist attacks in Israel is being used as a cover for the Adrinochrome harvesting facilities in Israel. All three operations contributed to ending the facilities and horrendous practice of red immortality. Azazel news. The White House knew COVID vaccines were killing people over two years ago. The now mayor of London, Saadiq Khan, was the consultant lawyer for the captured 9/11 Al Qaeda terrorist, Zachariah Moussaoui. B global currency reset. Friday 27th of October marks. Let’s hope my Iraqi contacts are correct and that they believe they are going this weekend.

News from Iraq continues to be very positive. The majority of my Iraqi contacts believe we will see RV somewhere between now and the first. None know for certain what the timing is. Friday 27th of October, Wolverine. Already in South America, some people have been told which bank they have to go. We are close, so stand by everyone. Thursday 26th of October, Bruce, the start of the new global financial system. The Iraqi newspaper publication of the new Iraqi Dinar rate in Tier 4B, Us, the internet group, receiving notification to said exchange/redemption appointments was expected to happen by Saturday 28th of October.

Thursday 26th of October TNT. Today we were told that new Dinar rate announcement was imminent. Iraq placed lower denims of Dinar at ports and airlines on Thursday 26th of October. Wednesday 25th of October. Militia Man. Recently we showed that the World Trade Organization is talking about full ascension in the fourth quarter and we are now in that fourth quarter. For the past two weeks, the revalued Iraqi Dinar has been trading on the back screens of the forex and putting itself in a position for the new international exchange rate that was soon to be made public according to Iraqi banks. Get ready for EBS activation.

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Q says that after Argentina’s election on Sunday 22nd of October, everything would change and the world would soon have no internet for a while. We are approaching that timeline. Get ready for it. Q-bomshell. Ebs activation on October 22nd, Biden’s retirement, Trump’s return, and the White Hat’s plan revealed. Ebs activation on Tuesdays. 31st of October, Trump said he was turning off the frigging lights at Halloween. Did he mean EBS activation on Tuesdays? 31st of October. In the next 3-6 months, the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer universal basic income for citizens of all Jizara-compliant countries.

The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level, and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can. See Global Financial Crisis. Black Monday, October 30-31, an economic crash leading to the most significant wealth transfer in history. What more fitting day than Halloween to bring this nation to its knees? Friday 27th of October, Dow Jones falling off a cliff. Banks in crisis mode, J. P. Morgan, Wells Fargo, and Goldman Sachs close hundreds of branches and lay off thousands as they brace for financial meltdown.

In an unprecedented move that spells doom for the US banking sector, J. P. Morgan, Wells Fargo, and Goldman Sachs have initiated a series of drastic measures. The financial titans are shutting down hundreds of branches and pink-slipping thousands of employees, all in anticipation of a financial meltdown that could reshape the nation’s financial landscape. Johnson & Johnson planning for bankruptcy as pharma company faces over 50K-plus lawsuits linking baby powder to cancer. D, the real news for Friday, October 27th, 2023.

On Thursday, 27th of October, the US officially joined the war in the Middle East. The US military carried out multiple airstrikes in Syria. Breaking news: US attacks Syria. Kazakhstan’s gut talent, Hamas Actor, was dying.