WTF? WEF Orders Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Grow Their Own Food! (VIDEO)

In a move that’s stirring widespread debate, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for governments worldwide to outlaw home vegetable gardening, labeling it a contributor to ‘global boiling.’ This stance is supported by a contentious study from the University of Michigan, funded by WEF and other globalist entities, which suggests that the carbon footprint of home-grown produce far exceeds that of industrially farmed food.

The Study’s Findings and Controversy

The University of Michigan’s research posits that private gardens emit five times the carbon dioxide of store-bought food, primarily due to the infrastructure associated with small-scale gardening, such as raised beds. This conclusion has been met with skepticism, especially from those who point out the efficiency and space-saving benefits of such gardening methods.

Critics argue that the study overlooks the environmental and health benefits of local food production, suggesting that its funding sources may have influenced its conclusions. The involvement of the European Union’s Horizon Program and other affluent backers underscores concerns about the motives behind this push against home gardening.

Elon Musk and the Carbon Tax Debate

Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur known for his electric vehicle innovations, has paralleled the WEF’s climate concerns by advocating for a carbon tax. Musk argues that taxing carbon emissions, much like the taxes on alcohol and cigarettes, could be a straightforward solution to climate change. This stance further fuels the ongoing debate about the best strategies for addressing environmental challenges and the role of individual actions versus systemic changes.

Implications for Home Gardening and Food Sovereignty

The proposal to criminalize home gardening has ignited fears about the future of food sovereignty and the right to sustainable living. Critics warn that labeling home gardeners as climate offenders not only threatens individual freedom but also undermines efforts to promote local food systems and reduce food miles.

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The broader concern is that such policies could pave the way for increased corporate control over food production, diminishing the role of small-scale, sustainable practices in favor of industrial agriculture. This shift could have far-reaching implications for biodiversity, food security, and community resilience.

Possible Consequences and the Path Forward

The WEF’s position and the University of Michigan study have sparked a critical conversation about the balance between environmental stewardship and individual rights. As governments and organizations grapple with these complex issues, the importance of transparent, evidence-based policy-making has never been more apparent.

The potential for such studies to influence policy raises questions about the future of sustainable living and the role of individuals in combating climate change. As this debate unfolds, the need for a nuanced understanding of environmental impact, along with a commitment to inclusivity and equity in climate solutions, becomes increasingly clear.


Q: Why does the WEF want to criminalize home gardening?
A: The WEF argues that home gardening contributes to ‘global boiling’ due to its higher carbon emissions compared to industrial food production, according to a University of Michigan study.

Q: What does Elon Musk have to do with this issue?
A: Elon Musk has advocated for a carbon tax as a solution to climate change, which aligns with the broader conversation about environmental impact and individual versus corporate responsibility.

Q: What are the potential consequences of criminalizing home gardening?
A: Criminalizing home gardening could impact food sovereignty, reduce biodiversity, and increase dependence on industrial agriculture, potentially leading to greater corporate control over food production.

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