Was Bill Gates Just Arrested By German Military?!

Was Bill Gates just arrested by the German military on INTERPOL orders?! Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are! Vancouver Times just scored another “scoop”, claiming that the German military just arrested Microsoft billionaire founder, Bill Gates, on INTERPOL orders!

Bill Gates Arrested By German Military, Faces Death Penalty

Bill Gates, billionaire and founder of Microsoft, has been arrested at one of his residences in Germany by the military on orders of Interpol. He is facing charges for crimes against humanity and genocide. Gates is facing a slew of additional charges due to what was found in his secret hideout.

Interpol has begun cracking down on the architects of the “plandemic,” a plan by shady globalists to orchestrate a fake pandemic, and use it as an excuse to impose communism, steal people’s liberties, then kill the disobedient ones.

Two underage girls were found in Gates’ lair, both bound in handcuffs, with bruises on their bodies. Due to their age, their identities will remain private. Gates is facing additional charges for human trafficking, forcible confinement, possession of marijuana and ecstasy, as well as possession of child pornography.

1,000s of images of underage girls and boys were found on Gates’ computers. He faces charges in both Germany and Holland.

Tedros, director of the WHO, was arrested earlier this week for similar crimes. He was taken to Holland to answer to his charges, but is currently out on bail.

He is expected to plead not guilty and has hired a team of experienced lawyers. Experts expect Tedros to be acquitted on all charges, despite reports there is extensive evidence of his guilt.

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Klaus Schwab and Justin Trudeau are also wanted by Interpol for their involvement in the scheme. All parties face the death penalty, and possibly hanging, if convicted.

They are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The media has failed to report on their arrests, which is common with these types of cases.

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