JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of October 26, 2023

JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of October 26, 2023: The latest video will be shown earlier at the official website, restoredrepublic. Co. Judy Note, patriots, we appear to be on the brink of not only a never before, never again global currency reset that included a takedown of the Biden administration and all of Congress, but also expected to see activation of the Emergency Broadcast System, which may mean a brief interruption of internet and phone services. Be prepared. Should the lights go out, please know that we are in control.

Do not panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. White hats. Justice Thomas to rule on 2020 election fraud, breaking 11th Circuit emergency rid, accepted to hear case to invalidate fraudulent 2020, 2022 elections. Justice Clarence Thomas to rule. Miami Independent Judge Thomas can make a ruling himself or send it through the Supreme Court judges. If he rules in favor, it dissolves the Biden administration and all of Congress. 1871 Act of England Reversed, confirmed by Jan Halper-Hays on live TV. In other words,

the Crown of England no longer has any control over US monies or the US taxpayer, meaning the IRS and Federal Reserve as privately-owned entities are dissolved. 1917-bau-4 Declaration reversed. State of Israel Corporation expires October 31st. In other words, Palestine is no longer a legal state of the Jewish people as of the end of October. A. In regard to the Q movements claim that we are watching a movie. Meet the cast members who are playing their own parts on the world stage. Jfk Jr, was said to be alive, was the present figure of Q.

His father, John F. Kennedy, senior being the original Q who started the movement and who inherited it from generals of the Lincoln assassination, has carried on his father’s legacy by helping to form the plan to save the world, has been in the victim-witness program since reported dead from his plane crash while running against Hillary Clinton for Senator from New York. Since July fourth, 2021, has been serving as Vice President of the restored republic under President Trump. Carolyn Bessett Kennedy, JFK Jr. Wife, was said to be alive in the victim-witness program and runs a popular channel on Telegram under her own name.

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Ukraine PM Vlada, Dymar Zelensky, was alive, but being played by masked compostors or clones according to sources at US Army Cyber Command, Fort Gordon, and Russia’s Federal Security Service. Zelensky was believed living in seclusion amid a harem of under-aged children at his guarded compound in Kyiv. Body doubles meet at United Nations. Joseph Biden was dead according to FSB Agent Andrey Zakarov. Barack Hussein Obama had ordered his execution in March 2013 and had him replaced with body doubles in Biden masks that Obama could then manipulate.

Zakarov cited a Ministry of Defense debrief authored by a Russian double agent who worked in the West Wing from January 2010 to April 2014. The 32-page document asserts that Biden absent-mindedly entered the Oval Office while Obama was on his knees performing oral sex on Michelle. Real name Michael Robinson, a transvestite with a phallus. Biden pretends to be President as Trump pleads war on CCP, which manufactured Texas ice storms. Congress. Biden arrested his military rescues tortured children from tunnels beneath Capitol Hill.

Biden body double-deliver soda to clones, holograms, and lookalikes. Robin Williams was said to be alive and in the victim-witness program. Princess Diana was said to be alive, was in the victim-witness program with help of President Trump and runs a popular channel on Telegram under her own name. Elvis Presley was said to be alive. Having entered the victim-witness program after faking his death, he was threatened by the cabal as a CIA special investigator for President Nixon and has been serving his life as a pastor in his own church. Michael Jackson,

who openly spoke out against the cabal and Satan-worshipping Hollywood elites, was said to be alive and in the victim-witness program. Liz Cheney was believed executed at Gitmo for crimes against humanity and played by actors, clones, or body doubles. Military sentences Liz Cheney to hang to death. Laurie Lightfoot was believed executed at Gitmo for crimes against humanity and played by actors, clones, or body doubles. Laurie Lightfoot executed at Gitmo. Nancy Pelosi was believed hanged or resided at Gitmo for crimes against humanity and played by actors,

clones or body doubles. Nancy Pelosi military tribunal, Part Two. Nancy Pelosi military tribunal, the conclusion. Loretta Lynch was believed hanged at Gitmo for crimes against humanity and played by actors, clones or body doubles, Loretta Lynch to be hanged. Anthony Fauci was believed hanged at Gitmo for crimes against humanity and played by actors, clones or body doubles, Gitmo double header execution, Anthony Fauci and Loretta Lynch. Hillary Clinton was said to have been hanged at Gitmo after being convicted of crimes against humanity by a military tribunal.

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Trump was present at her hanging. She was believed presently played by at least two clones and one body double. Marines on Alive! Clinton Clones in New York and San Diego. Bill Clinton was said to have recently committed suicide in his cell at Gitmo. Pope Francis was said to be deceased and being played on the world stage by actors including Jonathan Price. In early 2020, Pope Francis, along with most of the Vatican, was arrested, tried, convicted, and hanged by a military court under direction of the Global Military Alliance. Thursday, September 24th, 2020, Vatican pedophile network closed as gold repatriated to US Treasury.

Barack Hussein and Michelle Obama were said to be portrayed by clones, actors, or body double since their demise. They were both believed to have been arrested, tried, and executed by the Global Military Alliance at Gitmo after having been convicted of crimes against humanity. Obama was Hitler’s grandson, who was born in Kenya, a bastard child of a bigomist between two Communists. His father ran out the day he was born. He grew up in a Muslim household, went to Muslim schools and adopted a Marxist ideology. He had gay relationships and sex with older white men in exchange for cocaine.

He was registered at New York College as a foreign student and only accepted into law school through his use of affirmative action. He never did an honest days work in his life. He was elected President of the US in a fraudulent election and by white people trying to prove they’re not racists. He married Michelle, Michael Robinson, who was a football player at Oregon State before his transition. A man turned woman and made him first lady. They pretended they had two children together, but the girls were borrowed from friends. He and Hillary Clinton hosted a taxpayer expense, very expensive pedophile parties at the White House.

READ MORE  JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE VIDEO: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 25, 2024

As President, he did everything he could to weaken America and aid its enemies. He spied on Trump and tried to throw the election to Hillary. According to FSB Agent Andres Akerov, Obama ordered the execution of his Vice President, Joe Biden, in March 2013. Obama then replaced Biden with body doubles in Biden masks that Obama manipulated throughout the Biden administration’s reign as US President. More recently, Obama lied about being present at the questionable death of his Geyshef, who was about to publish a book about their relationship.

Obama personally selected his Secret Service codename Renegade-dash, which was defined as a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles. Special Forces on Alive! Obama clone. Monday 23rd of October, boom. Walking with the past no longer present, there are some public figures who are sleeping with spouses that are no longer with them. Carbon copy, organic robotic, synthetic human. Clones are imperfect. Report. Clones are imperfect and detectable. Special forces destroy cloning lab. Special forces destroy deep state cloning lab.

B, global currency reset. Wednesday 24th of October. Bruce, both an Iraqi source and a US Space Force source said that tier four—A, B, us, the Internet group, would receive notifications to set foreign currency exchange/Zymband redemption appointments tomorrow morning, Wednesday, 25th of October. Iraq would publish their new Dinar rate in their newspaper, Wednesday 25th of October. Also on Wednesday 25th of October, Iraq would announce the new Dinar international rate at around R-1:00 a. M. E. S. T. A political change in the US will take place between now and the end of the week.

Activation of the emergency broadcast system or emergency wireless system could happen as early as Wednesday, 25th of October. Wednesday, 24th of October. Wolverine, we are going to party today. Two. 24th of October marks. I have been told the 800 hash S will work exactly the same in all countries. Only yours will send you to your local exchange locations in whatever country you reside. I am still told the amounts we receive are pre-negotiated. Rates should be the same worldwide. Monday 23rd of October TNT.