Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of December 9, 2023

Judy Note, on Friday, December 15th 2023, because of the decline of the Fiat US dollar on which international trade rates were determined, the World Bank was set to close, bringing down the entire global financial world. Twelve of the US’s largest banks have already sent notice to their credit card companies that they will no longer need their services as of Thursday, 14th of December, midnight. On Thursday,

seventh of December, the Bank of Japan collapsed. Banks were closing their branches all over the world. Bank runs were rampant in Europe. Although the mainstream media has yet to let Americans know about the global financial crisis that surrounds them. All personal bank accounts have been transferred to the Bricks Alliance Gold/Asset-backed global financial system on the new Starlink satellite system, though it was not yet known when those accounts could be accessed.

It would be wise to have cash on hand during the transition period. Pray for the white hats that we may have free republics all over the world. Pray for the children caught up in international child sex trafficking underground dumb tunnels. Pray for the Americans left in Afghanistan. Pray for the patriots of 9-11 for Ken Cromar and other patriots unlawfully imprisoned. Pray for the constitution. Pray for strength. Pray for guidance. Pray for America. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. A rumored timing of the restored republic via global currency reset.

Wednesday, sixth of December. China announced their gold-backed UN incentivizing countries across the globe to abandon trading the US dollar and switch to the UN instead. The last US de-auction in Iraq was on December sixth. Second weekend in December, Trump was expected to be back according to Bruce’s military contact. Wednesday, sixth of December. Jfk Jr, hello, everyone. They tried to assassinate because I love the people and worked for the people. They tried to assassinate Queen Diana because she was loved by the people and she worked for the people. They tried to silence Donald J.

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Trump because he loved the people and worked for the people. They tried to kill John McAfee because he loved the people and wanted to show the truth to the world. Together, we are coming back stronger than ever. 24 hours remaining. Friday 15th of December, worldwide banking crash, media blackout in 10 days of darkness begin. The World Bank is expected to collapse on Friday, December 15th, 0-1, ET, before Christmas, December 2023, MedBeds will be announced. On Monday first of January, all gold/asset-backed currencies across the globe would be on par one to one with each other. In the US,

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Social Security benefits will be much higher in the SSR and R payments would start on a monthly basis. Two’s January 30, 2024, deadline for implementation of protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS. In 3-6 months, the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer universal basic income for citizens of Al-Jazara compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

The Jezara blockchain election takes place in 120 days or by Monday, April first, 2024. Everything will be ready by January 30th, 2024. B. Judy Note, what we think we know this a Friday, December 8, 2023, Trump was inaugurated US President in 2016 and has essentially never left office. Through a military count of watermarked ballots in the 2020 election, it was found that Trump won in every state with an over 80 % vote. While still in office, President Trump had instigated the Insurrection Act 1807 and turned over control of the country to the US military.

An interim military US government has been running our country ever since with Trump acting as commander-in-chief. This was part of a continuity of government for the US known as the devolution plan, essential in order to investigate, charge, convict, and execute those political and global elite who have committed treason against we, the people. Biden was not Biden and was not legally inaugurated US President. Just as since 2016, many political elites have been investigated, charged, gone before military tribunals,

found guilty, and executed or resided permanently at Gitmo or Guam, their clones or body doubles playing their part in a well-thought-out movie under control of the white hat Global Military Alliance. Basic to use of the devolution plan was the takedown of the Chinese Communist Party, which had a long-term plan to take over the US. Political elites had been in collusion with the CPC in the fraudulent 2020 election. Us Senator Dick Durbin said the reason for the invasion of Chinese military-aged males illegally crossing our borders to join the US military for eventual US citizenship.

READ MORE  Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of December 15, 2023

They are receiving $5,000 visa gift cards, a plane ticket to wherever they want to go, and a cell phone funded by the Chinese Communist Party. This is a displacement invasion to replace Americans in the US military. Imagine the damage such people can do from within the US military to the US. According to the White Hat intel, all wars have been started by a false flag. Pearl Harbor in World War II, Gulf of Tankin in Vietnam, 9/11 in Iraq, etc. Jfk warned USAL. President John F. Kennedy spoke out against corruption and intelligence agencies, secret societies,

and the military-industrial complex. He refused to sign Operation Northwoods, the CIA false flagged plan to start military conflict with Cuba. Look it up. President Kennedy stood up against the machine and paid the ultimate price for it. We need more leaders willing to fight corruption. On September 11th, Building Seven fell without anything hitting it. 9/11 happened and Building WTC Seven was destroyed to prevent Nizar-i-Jazara. What’s happening in Israel is to stop Jizara. Hamas is a Zionist organization registered by Israel in 1978. The revaluation of all currencies is here.

The fleeing Causarians have lost control of the world financial system. All the major oil-producing countries have joined Brix Plus, and they are primarily Arab countries. See Global Currency Reset. Thursday, seventh of December, Bruce just got an email from my handler. We will get notification tomorrow, Friday eighth of December, by late afternoon. It’s done. It’s done. It’s blankie, blank done. Thursday, the seventh of December, Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram. Michael Rubin has been in contact with Mauricio Castaña in Colombia,

and he’s given the gentleman the much anticipated green light to pay out the 28 pay masters in Colombia, which will result in them receiving full liquidity. In other words, spendable money to those in their groups whom they are responsible for funding. Wednesday, sixth of December, Texas Snake. While I won’t be opening the room until morning, there have been two announcements made today identifying two dates having some importance for our pending reward for the time thus far dedicated to this anticipated exchange. These dates are December eighth and 14th.

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We’ll get into more of the significance of these dates in the morning, but the most important takeaway is the eighth as all contractors are being paid. At the DINAR new currency rate to be announced on the eighth for acceptance into recognized acceptance by the IMF and World Trade Organization, that rate being $5.41 for foreign exchange commerce. Wednesday, December sixth, 2023 Bob, the four test deliveries finished last night and Reno will begin tonight Wednesday, December sixth. Eu and Zurich tomorrow,

Thursday seventh of December, Reno payments start Thursday seventh of December, and EU and Zurich payments start Monday the 11th. I pray they allow Billy and so to start Thursday seventh of December. Wednesday sixth of December. Mark’s listener, Sean Kenney, heard from a finance guy that on New Year’s Eve, the ATMs will be loaded with the new currencies. The global economic landscape now preparing for a GCR. Here’s why: Russia, UAE, and Saudi Arabia, Brix+. The primary focus lies in challenging the dominance of the US dollar and the foundation of the Fiat financial system itself.

August 24th, 2023, Iran joins BRIX Alliance. D-thursday, December seventh, 2023, Bruce, the big call, just got an email from my handler. We will get notification tomorrow, Friday eighth of December by late afternoon. It’s done. It’s done. It’s blankie-blank done. One of the bondholders is saying that Tier 3 Super Whales have funds and accounts, but has no access yet. They are looking to receive notification by email for access to funds. The regular Whales were told today they were going to try to push it through around 2:00 a. M. Tomorrow,

Friday, seventh of December. The National Bank of Japan, their central bank, crashed today. All the other central banks will crash in the next few banks. About nine others will crash in next few days. Do we need to wait for all banks to crash? Don’t know. Some say on or before the 14th, it has to happen. Traditionally, bankers in Europe go on a one-month holiday, 12:15 to 1:15. However, that could be different.