JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE VIDEO: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of january 8, 2024

JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE VIDEO: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of january 8, 2024: The latest video will be shown earlier at the official website, restoredrepublic. Co. Judy, note. On Sunday 31st of December, 2023, the US House of Representatives voted to impeach Joe Biden. Video of the vote of 219 to 208 was on C-Span. There were now 46 of 50 US states which have recounted their 2020 vote and confirmed that Biden lost the vote and Trump won in their state. Both stories have failed to reach the mainstream media. There soon will be a military-initiated emergency broadcast system alert.

The communication blackout will cut off regular TV broadcasting and Internet browsing for 10 days to two weeks. During that time, 8 hour videos of intel and information will be replayed three times a day. Rumor was that a military takeover of TV and internet could begin at midnight next Sunday, seventh of January, and last for two or so weeks. Uk King Charles set to abdicate the throne. Hmm, right after Danish Queen Marguerite did as well. Two of them at the same time. What is going on? Could this potentially have anything to do with the rest of the Epstein docs release set for January 20th? Wednesday, third of January.

Bitcoin slumps as $540 million liquidated from crypto market in four hours. Stock market in red all day. Joseph Robinette Biden served as vice President to Barry Suttara, adopted by Lolo Suttara, a. K. A. Barack Hussein William Obama, the mass murderer who commanded 200,000 uranium-contaminated drone bombs in the Middle East on children, women, and men. These mass murderers, including, by the way, the Bush and Clinton clans, belong in court marshals. The new Joe Biden is an actor who was used for this theater game. Red alert.

Please voice your opposition to a proposal that would lock up public lands from use of the people and give our sovereign land away to big companies. Contact federal and state legislators to oppose NYSE proposal to SEC regarding natural asset companies. Next. To reach federal and state legislature, contact SEC to oppose NYSE proposal to SEC regarding natural asset companies. Next. A timeline on news. December 26, 2024, Jazar was safely announced publicly to select media outlets through the Starlink satellite system, which made it legal.

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Jazar has started between all governments worldwide. Nizra is now liquid under the USN. The The money is flowing. Monday, first of January, the RV occurred for Iraq. The new-in-country Iraqi dinar rate was being used in country in Iraq, while the fee at US federal dollar was banned from the country. By sometime, Thursday, fourth of January, according to two contacts bondholders to have liquidity in Tira 4B, US, the Internet group, should receive notifications to set redemption and exchange appointments. On Friday, fifth of January,

US restitution allowance is slated to begin to be paid out unless bondholders have not yet received liquidity. Sun. Midnight January seventh to Monday, January eighth, Alexa. The lockdown for disclosure will begin at Sunday, Midnight, January seventh to Monday, January eighth, and will last for a couple of weeks. Formal public announcements of Nizra, Jaisal and the new gold/asset-backed US note were expected on or before Thursday January 11th, 2024. By Tuesday, 30th of January, countries across the globe would be fully integrated into the quantum financial system. B Global Currency Reset.

For some time, the Iraqi Denar has been trading upward on the back screens of the Forex. By January first, 2024, the new dinar in country rate was being used within Iraq, while the fee at US federal dollar was outlawed in the country. A bond paymaster with connections in Miami and Geneva expected the bondholders to have liquidity in Tira 4B to set appointments by Thursday, fourth of January. A banker felt that Tira 4B would also be able to set appointments by Thursday, fourth of January. C. 20th of December, ZIM Bonds, Amiel Austin, 1.

Understanding what is a promissory note, the ZIM Bonds are in fact promissory notes and legally cannot be refused. Fact. Two, the Zimbonds are asset-backed rate, according to the United States Treasury, UST, supporting archived documentation. Fact. Three, it’s illegal to alter any bond as it’s bonded with the promise to pay the bearer. People to look up the definition of the word bond. It’s that simple. This is exactly what is written on the Zimbonds. Fact. Four, the reason why the 2008 to 2009 Zimbabwean dollar notes/bills, also called the agrochecks or AA Blue bonds,

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are the most unique and crucial of all the bonds and the phenomenal role will it play. Fact, the reason the Kabal’s mainstream media keeps it absolute silent. Five. The UN Conference on Trade and Development’s report in 2010 advocated for a global reserve system based on a basket of currencies, which would create a more stable and predictable international monetary system. This was the catalyst for what we termed our current Global Currency Reset, GCR, over 13 years ago. Fact. Six. The Zimbabwe in 2008-2009 notes/bills are included in the first basket currencies to revaluate, RV. Fact. Seven.

We are waiting for the Iraqi dinar to RV for the Zimb bonds to pay out as the dinar is also included standard in the first basket. Once an asset-backed currency becomes an international standard, for example, the Iraqi dinar, other countries will follow suit to trade with it. That is where the Iraq dinar comes in. This currency is the catalyst for everything. 8. Zimbabwe is redollarizing, reviving their own currency, and they recently pegged their Zim dollar to gold, meaning your Zimb bonds will also be gold-backed. Fact. 9. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, RBC,

injected the gold-backed digital tokens, GBDT, known as Zimbabwe Gold, Zig. This GBDT is prepared and will be used via the QFS to pay you for your Zimb bonds. Fact. Ten. Each country’s gold bars have serial numbers on them. The new currency issued by the Treasury Department of Sovereign Nations will also have serial numbers that will correspond with the serial numbers of each gold bar from each sovereign nation stored at the SGE. The stolen gold will be restored into the QFS US and her Zimbabwe is the tool to achieve it. Fact. Eleven. The Royal Bank of Zimbabwe, 835,82, 302,000,

13 metric tons of ingrown gold estimated to yield $14 billion per annum by RBC going forward. Central Bank Zimbabwe is the richest in the world. Fact. D. Global financial crisis. Bitcoin slumps as $540 million liquidated from crypto market in 4 hours. Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Ethiopia officially join BRICS. The great taking details the planned confiscation of everyone’s assets in the next engineered financial collapse. Ears toward Republic. Trump’s current role, Dr. Jan Halper A’s, Wednesday third of January. Massive muabs ahead,

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Wednesday third of January. Cue operation a total success, 107. F, the real news for Wednesday third of January. 2024, 2s. Second January. Shocking January sixth footage. Johnson, 2:00. 2:00. 2:00. 2:00. New York building shake as multiple explosions reported. Wednesday, third January. Times Square, New York had a blackout yesterday that came back online with images of Jesus Christ and the true meaning of Christmas. 2:00. Second January. Israel takes out Hamas. Wednesday, third January. Japan earthquake. The first 72 hours are considered crucial to save lives after disasters.

As of Wednesday, at least 64 people were killed. All of them in Ishikawa Prefecture, there were 31 deaths in Wajima, 22 in Suzu, five in Nanao, two each in Nodo and Enamizu, and one each in Hakuya and Shikha. At least 304 people were also injured across seven prefectures. Wednesday, third of January. Today, a federal lawsuit signed by different state attorney generals was filed against Metta, the parent company for Instagram and Facebook, for are intentionally harming miners. Wednesday, third of January. Joe Biden is deporting just one illegal alien for every 70 that arrives at our Southern border.

Our human trafficker in chief is shipping them all across the country. Statistically, illegal aliens have less than a 1% chance of being deported once they resettle in an American town or city. Biden has turned America into a sanctuary country. Two. Two Jan. Over 200 service members demand Biden military leadership be court marshal for forced experimentation on troops with COVID vaccine. 2jane, second January, 70% or more of deep state already taken out. Jocco. Hoyt. Wednesday, third January. Fake inauguration. Trump will return. Halper. Thuis. Second of January, Trump comeback. Fulford. Benjamin Fulford. Bomshelled January second, 2024. Trump comeback. Happy New Year, 2024. Wednesday, third of.