Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of April 13, 2024

Judy note, trust the plan. Q has forewarned us. The scenes unfolding are the culmination of a well-orchestrated devolution strategy to reclaim governance and restore power to the people. Now, more than ever, it is crucial for every global citizen to participate actively in their liberation. Rise, and be the revolution. White Hats on Telegram, Thursday, April 11th, 2024. On Thursday, 11th of April at 9:00 AM, ESD President Donald Trump signed the US into the BRICS Alliance,

making the dollar dead, Jack straw. The United States of America has just rocked the financial world by joining the BRICS Alliance. This unprecedented move, announced by none other than Donald Trump himself, marks the beginning of a new era in international economics, with the once dominant dollar now facing its demise. Prepare to witness history in the making as we delve into the implications of this groundbreaking development in the country’s clamoring to join the BRICS Club. In March 2017, all account holders at all banks, in all 209 participating countries of the BRICS Alliance was downloaded into the new quantum financial system.

When the trigger is pulled for the QFS to become active, it will immediately end the central banking system that perpetuates debt slavery around the world as all fractional reserve banking and central Banking activities will cease, Charlie Ward. The oligarchs run the United Nations, and we know that they have a pedophilia system. Former President of the Club of Roman, former Executive Director of the United Nations, Calin Giorgescu. The Joe Biden admin is facilitating the largest child trafficking operation in history. There have been about 400,000 unaccompanied children that have come illegally over the border to the United States during President Biden’s term of office.

Thursday, 11th of April. Judy Byington alert. Phase 1 complete. Turn notifications on. Prepare for phase two. Be prepared for anything. 17th letter. Jfk Jr. On Telegram Web. 8 timing on Thursday, 11th of April. President Trump was said to sign the EBS order. Marx and Wolverine believe Tier 4B will have liquidity by Monday, 15th of April. Some New York banks were told announcement of the global currency reset would happen by Monday, 15th of April, though most believe the general public announcement will be on Sun, Mone, 21st or 2:00. 22nd April. On Wednesday, 17th of April, JFK Jr. And Princess Di were scheduled to come out of hiding.

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Monday, 15th of April to Saturday, 20th of April, IMF World Bank meetings in Washington, DC. Zimbabwe has announced their gold-backed currency and their bonds must be redeemed by twos. April 30th, 2024. B Travel restrictions as of Thursday, 11th of April, Russian Foreign Ministry has asked Russian citizens to refrain from traveling to the Middle East. Iran ordered all air traffic to and from Toronto ceases on Thursday 11th of April evening. Florida. Hundreds of Disney guests stranded at Orlando Airport as significant threat to property or life alert issued. Inside the magic California,

California was on alert as San Andreas Fault gears up for major earthquake. California could experience a major earthquake this year, according to a study that tracks San Andreas Fault activity. On Thursday, 11th of April, seven earthquakes, including a magnitude 4.4, struck Northern California. Antarctica. There is a warning video at Hall Turner News about 80 foot waves moving north from Antarctica. Did a great chunk of ice fall off Antarctica during the eclipse? If it is true, in a few days, the waves will hit Africa and then the Atlantic Coasts of the US and Europe. Giant tsunamis. It looks like the giant waves will hit the US East Coast next Tuesday and Wednesday,

the 16th and 17th. See, Thursday, 11th of April, breaking USA joins BRICS. Dollars’ demise declared. Trump’s Earth-shaking move shakes global finance. Thursday, 11th of April at 9:00 AM, ESD President Donald Trump signed the US into the BRICS Alliance, making the Dollar Dead, Jack straw. The United States of America has just rocked the financial world by joining the BRICS Alliance. This unprecedented move, announced by none other than Donald Trump himself, marks the beginning of a new era in international economics, with the once dominant dollar now facing its demise.

Prepare to witness history in the making as we delve into the implications of this groundbreaking development and the country’s clamoring to join the BRICS Club. The BRICS Alliance, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and now the United States, stands as a formidable force challenging the hegemony of Western-dominated financial institutions. With a combined GDP exceeding $20 trillion and a population accounting for over 40% of the world’s total, BRICS commands attention on the global stage. But it’s not just about economic might, it’s about reshaping the narrative of power and influence in the 21st century.

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For decades, the dollar has reined supreme as the world’s reserve currency, giving the United States unparalleled control over international trade and finance. However, mountain debt, economic uncertainty, and geopolitical tensions have eroded confidence in the greenback, paving the way for alternative systems to emerge. By joining BRICS, the USA Republic Treasury, under Trump’s stewardship, is signaling a dramatic departure from the status quo, challenging the dominance of the Federal Reserve and its fiat currency regime. The gold standard versus fiat currency At the heart of this paradigm shift lies a fundamental debate,

gold versus paper money. While the USA Corporation Federal Reserve relies on a system of fiat currency, backed by little more than the faith and credit of the government. The USA Republic Treasury boasts substantial reserves of gold. This distinction is crucial as gold has long been viewed as a reliable store of value and a hedge against inflation, unlike the ever expanding supply of fiat money. Trump’s decision to align the United States with BRIF He underscores a commitment to sound monetary policy and fiscal responsibility, rejecting the notion of endless money printing and deficit spending. In doing so,

he’s challenging the entrenched interests of Wall Street and the banking elite who have profited immensely from the current monetary military system at the expense of ordinary citizens. It’s a bold move that promises to shake up the financial establishment and empower nations seeking alternatives to dollar hegemony. D Global Currency Reset. Judy note, it all began when President Trump refused to renew executive order 13,303 that prevented Iraq from revaluing its currency, an order that had been signed by every US President since 2003. The Iraqi dinar revalued in country on Saturday 30th of March. On Friday,

fifth of April, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, RBC, injected gold-backed digital tokens, GBDT, known as Zimbabwe Gold, Zig. Banks now have the new forex rates. Wolverine, on Friday, fifth of April, Zimbabwe announced it as replacing its collapsing local currency with a new one backed by gold. It was rumored that Tier 3 fines, sanctions, farm claims, CMKX payments, and bondholders started Friday, fifth of April. 2:00. Ninth of April, Texas snake. Things are looking very positive at this point in time. Those holding ZIM will have a 10-day window to redeem. Thursday, 11th of April, Bruce, The Big Call. Yesterday,

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Wednesday, 10th of April, a source indicated that the window to receive notification for Tira 4B, US, the Internet group, was between now and Monday, 15th of April. A bond paymaster said that the military would give the green light to the USA Treasury to release the email notification from Wells Fargo. I think we can expect release overnight, Sunday 14th of April to Monday morning, 15th of April. Thursday, 11th of April, Wolverine. Military is in charge now of the release of our emails and will give green light to Treasury for a release. Sunday night into Monday, the 15th for notifications is what a few people believe.

Bruce believes it will be on Monday, the 15th. It’s active, guys. Mark said the 15th. I think this week will be a good week for the bonds, but for the currency, I’m looking at the 15th of April. While some New York banks were told announcement of the global currency reset would happen by Monday, 15th of April, most believe that general public announcement will be on Sunday, 21st of April or Monday, 22nd of April. Thursday 11th of April, the Gold Rush, the Zimbabwe’s decisive step towards economic resurgence with gold-backed currency in alliance with BRICS New Development Bank, Jaisara/Nizara quantum financial system reset.

Brics plan to redefine Economics, Elite’s Black Rock Swift system’s secrets of Cryptocurrencies. E Global Financial Crisis, Thursday, 11th of April. Kim. Com@kim. Com. We are approaching the main event, the collapse of the American Empire. Great discharge of US debt around the world. Us government bonds are now a toxic asset. Gold is up 30% in six months. The only thing left for them is to print money. The Ponzi scheme is over. Expect skyrocketing inflation and a massive.