Another Biden Nominee Fails The Sniff Test, Can Answer Simple Question

It’s time for Joe Biden to hold himself to the same standards he claims to hold others to. Biden has made a lot of promises when it comes to his commitment to appointing qualified individuals to the federal bench, but his actions are proving otherwise. Or maybe it’s more like Biden is doing exactly what he promised and hiring candidates based their minority status instead of their capabilities?

During the confirmation hearing of S. Kato Crews, Biden’s nominee for the District Court, his nominee failed to answer a basic legal question posed by Senator John Kennedy.

When Kennedy asked, “Do you know what a Brady motion is?” Crews responded, “Senator, in my time on the bench I have not had occasion to address that, so it’s not coming to mind at the moment what a Brady motion is.” Crews then proceeded to confuse the Supreme Court case Brady v. Maryland with the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act.

It’s time for Biden to be held accountable for his failure to appoint qualified judges who will uphold the rule of law. Instead of choosing judges who have the necessary qualifications and experience, Biden has chosen to appoint those who will carry out his far-left agenda. Biden’s nominees have been chosen based on their willingness to further his woke ideologies—a dangerous prospect for the future of our justice system.

Biden is sacrificing the integrity of the justice system in order to advance his own political agenda. We need our judicial system to be based on the qualifications of its members, not on the whims of a president hoping to further his own political agenda. Biden needs to be reminded that diversity hires should not come at the expense of integrity and justice.

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It’s time for Biden to be held accountable for his failure to appoint qualified judges who will serve to protect the rule of law. The best way to do that is by voting this fool out!


He must understand that his appointment of judges should not be based on identity politics, but instead on their qualifications and abilities. We must ensure that our justice system is based on fairness and justice, not on political agendas.

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