JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE VIDEO: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 3, 2024

JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE VIDEO: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 3, 2024: The latest video will be shown earlier at the official website Restored Republic.co Judy note it’s almost showtime. Things are going to get really ugly. Remember what you’ve been taught. The white hats are in 100% control. Thursday 1st of February. FBI warns of imminent danger of terrorist attack on us. Thursday 1st of February two major explosions today on critical infrastructure in Texas affecting natural gas pipelines now shut down War emergency. They just attacked Texas again.

FBI issues urgent warning Patrick Humphrey. Thursday 1st of February. Donald Trump’s attorney, Alina Haba, just exposed Judge Lewis Kaplan on her telegram channel. He took a $5 million bribe from Joe Biden to convict Donald Trump, and Alina posted proof. Thursday, 1st of February white hats and armor to border. Thursday 1st of February situation Update special report Judy Byington Operation Storm 2024 banks are failing. Food shortages will soon abound. UN headquarters in Geneva has closed. The end is just the beginning. The worldwide event is imminent.

Restored Republic via GCR as of February 1st, 2024. Thursday, 1st of February January 6th. Prisoner calls from jail G6. Prisoner calls in from jail with a message for Utah. From Marie. I thought I might mention just a couple things that I forgot to. Mention on the show, but may be good to add in the show notes or somewhere. While Taylor was awaiting trial, Wells Fargo contacted us and let us know they were closing our business and personal accounts, which they did lift. Carpooling service also sent us a letter saying Taylor was not able to use their services any longer.

He was never a driver, but as a passenger. Taylor was put on some do not fly list that when he would fly, he wasn’t able to print off a boarding pass and had to have the airlines call Homeland Security to give them the green light that he could be on the flight. Then they would swab everything that he had on any carry on and swab the hands of every person on the flight. They would then follow him with marshals around the airport. He has no idea when he was put on the list and has no idea how to get off of it. I thought this would be important to add. Thanks so much, Marie.

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A timing. Three days of the event equals global currency reset implements gold standard across the globe equals GCR active and back to 1955. Prices equals ten day EBS to TVs and radios worldwide equals D-class equals martial law equals military takedown of internet for takedown of U.S. incorporated CIA Five Eyes agencies. Federal Reserve through mass arrests, tribunals, and executions. Internet rebooted onto quantum Starlink system equals Cesaro blockchain elections worldwide equals all new people in sovereign governments across the globe, which are 10% the size of current governments. CBS Sunday, 11th February.

After Super Bowl Q, post 2288 put US alert desk incoming EBS Super Bowl night. What awaits us in 2024? The funeral of Uncle Joe Biden throwing the next big boy. May 20th 2434 years ago in the distant 1989. The first episodes of The Simpsons family appeared. Do you know who created The Simpsons? What was this same cartoonist Matt Groening doing? He’s a former CIA agent. For 30 years, the Simpsons, in some miraculous way, predicted dozens of large scale events. The Twin Towers, BLM, the Ukraine war, the US election, all this and much more predicted on The Simpsons. But that’s not all.

Statistics have collected data that showed that 89% of the animated series match reality. Be global currency reset tier four. Buy us the internet. Group appointments to exchange foreign currencies as a part of the global currency reset could begin at any time and were scheduled to run until Thursday, February 15th, 2024. Chance, McFadden announced on telegram that he got a call from his friend in the U.S. Treasury on Wednesday, January 31st. Evidently, the Admiral’s group, a private placement humanitarian group, has set their appointments for Thursday, 1st of February and Sunday,

4th of February. Thursday 1st of February. Ginger chance is referring to humanitarian groups inside the tier four B internet group that are making appointments now. So those larger humanitarian groups within tier four B. They got notified and they’ve set their appointments. It looks like they are doing the larger groups first and then making their way down according to group size or per person. They’re probably basing it on how much foreign currency people have. So out of the internet group, there’s roughly 12 million of us worldwide. And within our group there are collectors with larger baskets of foreign currency and then others that don’t have as much.

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So it looks like that’s how they are sending out the notifications. Thursday, 1st of February. Wolverine. Guys, I know it’s frustrating for all of us as the notifications still have not come out for all of us as we hope for bondholders. What I heard, and this is 100% confirmed, that some whales have received notification and are under NDA. I really do not know how all of this works. If there is going to be an announcement or are they sending notifications sporadically? Some are now saying the 7th of February. Hopefully we’ll get a bigger picture on what is happening later Thursday.

Wolverine just letting you all know that it has started and it’s a process just waiting for them to call me so I can release the opera. Thank you all for the support you have given me and for withstanding this challenging journey. Love you all Wolverine. Thursday 1st of February. Ginger. This info is from Josh’s friend who is close to the Admiral in Reno. Anonymous. They are dotting all of their eyes and crossing their t’s to make sure it works. It has happened. Will be the last to know it’s happened. Thursday 1st of February marks. My Iraqi contacts have said that the CBI has sent the new rates to the government.

So the rumors the CBI has released the rates to the Iraqi government. Now. When will they pull the trigger? I have heard similar things from U.S. bankers that all rates are now set and fixed, so IMO it’s any moment. A number of contacts are still remaining silent because they have signed an NDA. Thursday 1st of February. Bruce. Today was termed National Freedom Day and from a special ops person. So today, Thursday 1st of February through Wednesday 7th of February, we are supposed to have Nisar and Jazeera. We will also see an increase in SS this month of February.

Med beds will be with us in five days. Bank story. Family. My son went to his bank aka credit union today, Thursday 1st of February. He was very upset because he couldn’t log in to his account, nor could he see his balance at the ATM machine. Banking staff met him at his car and told him that they were changing over to a more secure system and everything should be back up and running within 24 hours, and that he will have to create another login and password. Wow. See recent GCR history. Thursday 25th January. At 4:47 a.m. the gold backed US dollar was introduced from Reno. Friday 26th of January,

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all 86 global currency reset platforms were loaded with monies and launched. On Sunday 28th January. The new Iraqi dinar. Out since Monday 1st of January and the new US note out since Thursday 25th of January, were both trading on the forex. The U.S. Treasury confirmed that the new Iraqi dinar rate was live in Colombia. A Pentecostal group leader was distributing funds to members. On Monday, 29th January at 4 p.m., the ARV began, according to a high up source. A number of bond holders went silent due to signing NDAs. Bruce between Thursday 1st of February and Wednesday 7th February.

The restitution R&R lump sum payment for those 62 and older to begin the increase in SS will occur in February and be given out on regular SS days. Wells Fargo sources said tier four b US. The internet group, could be notified at any time. The global financial crisis. UST rolls out with Nisra. Every American to get $105,000 monthly February 15th to February 29th. Signs. Gazetteer. Tues 30th of January. Jon Dowling Breaking news the BRICs alliance has now overtaken the G7 in terms of the share of the global GDP. BRICs now comprises 35% of the total world’s GDP. 30 more nations are lined up to join shortly. Thursday 1st of February. Breaking news Saudi Arabia shocks the world by joining BRICs. Bye bye petrodollar.

Thursday 1st of February just in quantum financial system sparks international settlement controversy. Deficit due to bracket readjustment. Unveiled. Global currency reset. Ears toward Republic Thursday 1st of February. Decoding the imminent EBS military and training for implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System. American Media Group. Decoding the imminent EBS military and training for implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System. Thursday 1st of February. Boom! The rise of military tribunals, military tribunals, international pedophile rings Darcy Crandall. Undercover operations and justice. Thursday 1st of February. Breaking news. Astonishing turn of events, general.