JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE VIDEO: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of March 16, 2024

JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE VIDEO: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of March 16, 2024: The latest video will be shown earlier at the official website, restoredrepublic. Co. Judy, note, people have asked me what it is like living here in Utah in view of all the information that has come out lately about the Satanic ritual abuse perpetrators embedded in Utah legal entities in government. See #LchildSacrificePerp, including Judge, sheriff arrested by Delta Force, whistleblowers charged by corrupt court tied to Clinton’s. I tell them it’s no different than anywhere else.

Everyone lives in their own little bubble and don’t want to admit that children are being raped and murdered right next door. Perpetrators are everywhere, no matter where you live. The ritual abuse of children by Satanic Covens is rampant and spread throughout the nation, throughout the world. We just have scratched the surface here in Utah. Others need to start scratching where they live and realize it might be happening right next door. We all need to watch for the signs and to help save the children. What we think we know this is a Friday, March 15th, 2024.

Q was created long ago in 1861 April when 20 generals placed Abraham Lincoln into office to fight the Causarian Mafia who created the slave trade and owned 99% of the US slaves. Today, this battle is coming to an end. Trump Q. Q the Storm. Christmas Eve, 1963, was the day 77 US generals came together and the plan was born to save the world. In March, three months later, 133 generals became part of O. O. Freedom Eagle 35. You are a witness to 58-year military delta coming in hot 2014, plus 22 nations, 1,600 generals NCESIQ. Eq+, I demand equal time. Picks will surface of Hussain holding AK-47 in tribal attire.

One of many. Net shutdown. Fake pick pushed by MSM. Videos, backup. Google kill. Youtube kill. Fb kill, Twitter kill, Yahoo kill, Bing kill, Instagram kill. Net will be post. Hammer. On the clock, Q. Thursday, 14th of March, White Hat Intel, follow resignations. The pedo networks are being dismantled. The child abductions for Satanic rituals, E Haiti, and other third-world countries are paused, not terminated until players in custody. We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil. Q. Trump is Commander in Chief of US Incorporated Military and President of the US Republic,

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with John F. Kennedy Jr. As VP, according to a Trump voice recording on CBK Telegram, Sunday 20th of November. 2022, 07:50 PM, EST. November 29, 2022. Thursday, 14th of March, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Cote d’Avoire, and Burkina Faso are experiencing major internet outages and blackouts, reports BBC. What is happening in Nigeria is of interest. The Nigerian authorities, having introduced the digital Naira and strictly limited the circulation of cash, limits have been set on cash withdrawals from ATMs, by the way, which still requires the Internet.

In the conditions of a fallen Internet, they are actually dooming the country to collapse since non-cash transfers are again tied to the availability Internet. A timeline, Friday 15th of March was the deadline to fund the US government, which, according to the Federal Reserve, was already $34 trillion in debt, rises by $1 trillion every 100 days and owe Social Security recipients another $175 trillion. While Biden’s budget includes $289 billion to build illegal migrants housing out of his $7.3 trillion in new spending. The system is unsustainable.

Banks can no longer give loans on the fee at US dollar. Fulford sources in the Japanese Imperial family say the 15th is the date for a financial Black Swan event. On Friday, 15th of March, the US government would run out of monies, while the new gold/asset-backed US note could be available to the general public and replace the old Federal Reserve fiat US dollar in ATM machines. It was also likely that on that same Friday, 15th of March, restitution and rebate monies will begin to be paid out and social security increases will begin. Monday, first of April,

final dance make backups. Be ready, 03:22 to 03:28. Mr. Poel on Telegram, March 11th, 2024. Judy, note, is Mr. Poel talking about the EBS starting on Friday, 22nd of March and going to the end of the month? Monday, first of April is the early in calendar New Year’s Day, and perhaps release of the GCR to the general public. Saturday sixth of April was the date some believe was Christ’s actual birthday. Monday eighth of April, Solar Eclipse, the Oklahoma National Guard will have guardsmen present for the total solar eclipse on April eighth.

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Twenty-two members of an elite chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear unit will be housed. Residents are being urge to stock up with one to two weeks of food in advance of the event. Communication facilities could become overloaded, possibly making cell phone calls difficult. Monday eighth of April, be ready for lights out. New Richie from Boston, March 13th, 2024. April eighth, be ready for lights out. Last call, Monday eighth of April emergency. What no one’s telling you about April eighth emergency. B. Global Currency Reset, Thursday 14th of March, Bruce.

Military sources were saying we should have the Supreme Court decision about 2020 election fraud by or before noon Friday 15th of March. Notifications for Tier 4B to set redemption appointments to come out after that announcement or around Friday afternoon, 15th of March or Saturday morning, 16th of March. Either will allow us to set appointments for Saturday, 16th of March. Trump could be back as President by this weekend. Neeserah may come in this weekend. Wednesday, 13th of March, Texas snake. Well, it is positive about what the FBI has stated will occur either tomorrow, Thursday,

14th of March or the next day on Friday, 15th of March. But based upon the current time, I will not have answers until the early morning hours. The exchange agents for the banker are all on call to begin emails or phone calls to begin scheduling appointments. The best is yet to come. This is the last Next week we will face all the lies prepared by Biden. Should I reveal everything? Time is up. Biden, restricted media on Telegram 2s. March 12th, 2024. Wednesday, 12th of March, marks. My bondholder had an appointment today and left the appointment with an NDA.

Two Iraqi contacts said that Iraq was absolutely done and they were just waiting for the US Treasury to give them the go. A Chase bang story. Guy went into Chase and met privately with a wealth manager. They discussed Iraq denar and the manager just came out of his fifth meeting on denar rates. The guy asked when the manager thought he would see the released denar rate. The manager said in the next three days. Two’s. 12th of March, Wolverine exclusive leak. 400,000 Wells Fargo emails generate massive liquidity with Zimbons and Nezara.

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In an unprecedented move that is expected to shake the financial world, Wells Fargo and HSBC are about to begin a massive release of liquidity. A move that is as audacious as it is This is a secret operation that could change the economic landscape forever. The plan. Sending over 400,000 emails to currency and bondholders, providing them with the golden keys to a treasure that is hiding in plain sight. Monday 11th of March, digital financial asset announcement. Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law allowing firms in the country to use digital financial assets,

including the digital rubble and international payments on March 11th. Moscow has fast track the bill in an apparent bid to help domestic companies use digital tokens and CBDCs to evade sanctions. Thursday, 14th of March, the Cosmic Blueprint, Nizara and Jezar’s Astrological Genesis and Start Time, Jupiter and Uranus Conjunction and Taurus Energy. Astrologer Salvador Ruso. See, Thursday, March 14th, 2024, Bruce, The Big Call. Military sources were saying we should have the Supreme Court decision about 2020 election fraud by or before noon Friday, 15th March.

Notifications for Tier 4B to set redemption appointments to come out after that announcement or around Friday afternoon, 15th of March or Saturday morning, 16th of March. Either will allow us to set appointments for Saturday, 16th of March. Trump could be back as President by this weekend. Trust accounts need to be set up within 10 days after your appointment. As of Monday, 11th of March, there was no more fiat US dollars being used anywhere in the world except for the US. Here in the US, the fiat dollar will only be good until July fourth, 2024.

The USTN will be issued in the US by the end of the month. The Fed is dead. The IRS is almost gone. We will be on a consumption tax of tax on new goods bought. Except for food and medicine, nezara may come in this weekend. De-recent GCR history on Thursday, 22nd of February, the Kabbau capitulated, followed by Trump releasing the final phase of the plan, which was mass arrests. Those arrests were hoped to be completed.