JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 4, 2023

Judy note China calls for end of World War III. Last week, China reacted to a massive directed energy weapons, DEW, dual by proposing peace talks to end the undeclared but ongoing, hybrid World War III. The call came after a devastating tunneling and earthquake hit a UN military base in a Western country in an apparent reaction to the recent earthquake attack on Turkey. The destruction of a Western city is subject to a complete news blackout. See below for details and evidence, but it was almost certainly caused by dues on par with anything the United States can wield.

The Chinese are trying to deescalate the situation by saying east and west must now choose between mutually assured destruction or mutually assured love. Let us recall what has just happened. On January 28, Western embassies sent warnings to their citizens about a possible terrorist attack. February first to second, the embassies of the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, and Belgium are closed in Istanbul. February third, the USS Netsie equipped with Harp Systems enters Istanbul Harbor. February third, Turkish interior Minister Suleyman Soylu launches an attack on the American ambassador to his country, saying, Take your dirty hands off of Turkey.

I’m being very clear. I very well know how you would like to create strife in Turkey. Take your grinning face off from Turkey. From February fifth to February sixth, an earthquake occurs with an epicenter on the same tectonic fault as Istanbul. To understand just how powerful these weapons are, the coastline in most countries in the Eastern Mediterranean increased by seven meters or more in the canals of Venice dried up. The corporate media is trying to cover this up with tales of drought and low tides, but these stories do not hold water, pardon the pun.

Now, the Turkish earthquake has been followed by a devastating counter attack and threats to destroy Switzerland and Israel. Faced with the prospect of total annihilation, the Rothschild family has already agreed to negotiate peace. Breaking News, Anthony Fauci was just arrested and has been charged for crimes he made while he was chief medical adviser. Mainstream media is not reporting this. Breaking News, the Biden regime has confirmed a commitment to a legally binding agreement which will surrender the US Pandemic Authority to the cabal Chinese backed World Health Organization for generations to come. January sixth.

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More footage shows protesters on January sixth were escorted inside the Capitol by police officers. Mysterie of the preplaced orange car by the Ohio River drainage pipes, East Palestine train crash. The Big Cabal Corporation Blackstone has defaulted. Ukraine has been destroyed. Colonel McGregor, Ukraine has been destroyed and there’s nothing left. Remember who those Satan worshiping, child sacrificing global and political elites really are. No price is too great to stop their torture and murder of innocent children. May God have mercy on my enemies because I sure as hell won’t. General George S. Patten. Be aware that some information has been redacted in this update as published by Denar Chronicles.

For the full unredacted version, please see the very end of the report. A global currency reset. Thursday, second of March, a high up contact. Banks have received the source codes and were preparing to do exchanges. On Wednesday, first of March, Redemption Center staff were called to work in the evening and then did an all nighter. All tiers, including tier 4B, us, the Internet group, were expecting to start by Friday, third of March. The net in our rates for tier 4 B were based on oil contracts and very high. Thursday, second of March, Bruce, the big call, a bond paymaster and a couple of redemption people have given Bruce info.

It looks like they are prepared to let us go early next week, moan to us. The bond holders can see monies in their accounts, but it is not available. Tier 4 B will be notified before the bond holders get access to their accounts. Iraq and the US were negotiating their oil contracts. That is what the denar rate will be tied to. You should ask for the contract rate. There is no contract rate on the DAO, but the rate on it is excellent. Thursday, second of March, OKE, not OKE oil man, via Twitter. Good morning, ships at sea and all our world wide friends. The only thing I must address is the amendments of this event occurring.

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There are a myriad of security issues involved that can’t be discussed for the protection of the USA as well as certain citizens. When and if I get absolute confirmation of activity being initiated, I will post. My sources is S OME, sitting in front of bank screens as I speak. I do not want to create drama with incorrect intel. I will post when I am told unequivocable, provable intel. Thursday, second of March marks. I am getting so much back and forth. I think right now they are using the Bond folks to sow misinformation and confusion on purpose. I’ve been trying not to report on this the last couple days until the chaos settles down. This morning, Nader was hearing what I am hearing that the budget should reach Sadrni to sign at the end of the week, which was this Saturday in Iraq. It may reach Sadrni sooner. Since early yesterday, I have been expecting it at any moment. Nader is hearing the same thing from inside the country, that they have a new substantial rate change in this budget.

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We are being told that there is a significant rate change adopted in the budget that could force the value change. I am told that coming out of the gate, we will get the dinar for oil contract rate. That is why we will have an NDA because we will know the final rate they are trying to float to. It makes a tremendous amount of sense for them to start at a $1.50 rate or so and let the rate float until they meet a certain criteria as they float up to the target rate. It would not shock the system as much. I am told repeatedly that our rate in tier 4 B will not float.

It will be fixed. Judy note, there has been much concern about how and where to exchange from those living outside the US stash and rightly so because no official instructions have been received. It is my understanding that everyone worldwide will be given through emails and are published in this update and on various DINR websites access to a secured website where those official instructions will be published for all across the globe to review. A high up contact indicated that a major event surrounding Supreme Court decisions would occur, which would then start a three day blackout period, perhaps in connection to a black Swan event.

Since Wednesday, first of February, the new gold asset backed USTN has been traded on the market and will be available for us at our appointments. Be Restored Republic, the original US Constitution will be used as a model for new republics across the globe. Patriots worldwide can help save the US Constitution by supporting the Brunson petition. That shows rampant fraud in the 2020 election has yet to be investigated. The second request for overhearing of the petition and third petition overall will be received by the Supreme Court on Monday, sixth of March.

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Help save your right to vote in fair and free elections and add your name to the Brunson petition by sending an affidavit to Scottus. Help fight for your freedom by buying the Save America Patriot Package and receive two sets of miracles in God We Trust and a more perfect Union DVD and Blu ray. A collector copy of Brunson’s historic petition to the Supreme Court for rid of Sir Sherry, a copy of Brunson’s Constitution, two copies of the Sheriff’s Handbook, four copies of the pocket Constitution, four affidavits with stamped envelopes to add names to the Brunson petition, a copy of the historic Barbie and Ken versus Goliath IRS saga, and a copy of the Grand Jury handbook.

With instructions on how to bring constitutional law and order back to the people. Limited availability at $150 suggested donation. You can also support the fight for your freedom by buying it. Amazon Miracles, In God We Trust, and a more perfect Union DVD and Blu ray. See Biden crime family, deep underground Military Bases, Dumbs, Ukraine, Joe and Hunter Biden have assets located next to Eastern Europe’s second longest tunnel system through which drugs, weapons, children, people, and Adrenal Khromar trafficked, Podesa, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and Sweden.

Now do you know why Biden Joe has land there? 32,000 miles of DUMBS now you understand why the Russian bear wants to conquer Europe? Hunter Biden supporters who signed disinformation letter all facing probes, Republican and former Thursday, April 7, 2022, Biden Obama tied to child sex trafficking, children bodies rescued from US bio weapon labs under Biden Ukraine property. Wednesday, April 6, 2022, thousands of children rescued mutilated bodies recovered from Biden owned Ukraine property containing US run bio weapon labs. The International Child Sex Trafficking Organ and Adrenalchrome Harvesting Ring. Wednesday, first of March, Adrenalchrome, Catechol C3, an Immortality Serum obtained from the adrenal glands of living children after they have been terrorized to get the highest levels of adrenaline.

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