Biden Losing Faith In Harris – White House Insider Spills The Tea!

Vice President Simpleton Kamala Harris in the past couple of years in office has failed to win the widespread support of the American people. Despite this, she appears to be sticking to President Brain-Dead Biden’s side during a potential reelection campaign.

Harris was the first woman vice president and despite her low polling numbers, she is still on Biden’s side as he heads into the 2024 presidential election. Biden, 80, is the first octogenarian in the Oval Office. This has led to many concerns about his age and his ability to handle the tasks required. More importantly, if he wins a second term and falls ill or is in some other way unable to fulfill his duties, then Harris, 58, would become the next President. This is a reality that the two will need to remember as they are heading toward their 2024 reelection bid.

According to Democratic sources, while the two have maintained positive working relations, Biden has had some frustrations with Harris’ work. A former White House official has also claimed that Biden does not believe that Harris or any other candidate would be able to defeat President Donald Trump in the general election if it came down to it.

The former official further added that Biden would not have hired her if he believed her to be incapable.

This week Harris is going to be taking a trip to Africa, a visit that is going to help bring her foreign policy credentials into the spotlight.

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