Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of august 6, 2023

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of august 6, 2023: The latest video will be shown earlier at the official website, restoredrepublic. C o. Judy note, it’s amazing. On Friday, fourth of August, The Associated Press sent out a news release about a cyber attack evidently by Chinese Communist Party hackers that had disrupted hospitals and health care in several states. Yet I could find no mainstream media outlet that picked up on the story. Q said to Watch the water on Friday fourth of August, Beijing was being destroyed by biblical floods in what was said to be the worst disaster in 400 years, with bridges collapsing all over the country.

Was China’s Three Gorge s Dam about to break? Three Gorge s was built by the US military in the world’s largest hydropower project. The dam housed the Chinese Communist Party’s bio weapon labs where COVID was invented. Was the center of the Cabal’s International Child Sex Trafficking Ring. Also under the dam was Bitcoin Data headquarters. And with the dam’s reservoir holding a massive 42 billion tons of water, the gigantic dam was said responsible for slowing rotation of the earth. It was reported on Friday fourth of August that the White Hat Military Global Alliance rescued 35,927 children from a giant thermonuclear blasted underground tunnel.

Did that happen at the Three Gorge s Dam in preparation for the Big Dam destruction? Yet, like the US cyber attacks, the startling news on Three Gorge s was not being covered by the media, not even in China. Cgis Morgan, Beijing destroyed by biblical floods,CCP panics. Media headlines on Friday, fourth of August did talk about a person who fell off a Disney ride at a local Wal Mart that shut down one checkout stand. It makes one wonder what all we’ve been missing in the news for the past several years. Jfk Jr. Was well aware of what we’ve missed. Our 17th Vice President wrote on Telegram on Friday, fourth of August, Time to take this country back. It’s obvious who the people trust and it’s obvious who we voted for.

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We have classified government memes which are being leaked, exposing the country to espionage and unhindered access to political, economic, military, and other forms. Everything that is hidden will come to life. Only a couple of hours left until their world shakes. Everything is ready and assets are in place, but they will shut us down. Alert, breaking. Usa, a cyber attack is underway causing major disruptions to hospitals and health care across several states. Emergency rooms are closed, ambulances are being diverted, and many primary care services remain closed.

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The attacker has not yet come forward, but this comes just days after it was revealed that Chinese government backed hackers have been creating back doors and critical US infrastructure and government systems over the past couple of years. Three Gorge’s Dam was built by the US military as the world’s largest hydropower project. The dam houses the Chinese Communist Party’s bioweapon labs where COVID was invented. The Cabal’s International Child Sex Trafficking Ring was the headquarters for Bitcoin data and was said to be responsible for slowing the rotation of the earth. If the dam breaks, it would dislocate over a million people. Hunter was managing deer at Chinese military proxy planning warfare against America, 80,000 plus Chinese sleeper agents inside the US now.

Jan 6, Tucker Carlson gets pissed about the lies surrounding January 6. The more time has passed. Now it’s been 2.5 years. It becomes really obvious that core claims they made about January 6 were lies. It was not an insurrection. And to put Jacob Chansley, an American citizen, a Navy veteran, in jail for years after he was let into the Senate chamber by uniformed Capitol Hill police officers, and then I play that and I’m the bad guy. Fuck you. January sixth, Trump’s sickening arraignment Fox begs Trump yet suppresses J6 cover up coverage. Lionel, Trump’s sickening arraignment Fox begs Trump yet suppresses J6 cover up coverage.

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R ad left freaks. Trump indictment and ICC arrest warrant for Putin. The stage is set. The whole truth is that they are the only two who preserve Christianity, and that’s what they fight for. Dr. David Martin revealed the truth about coronavirus vaccines. Twenty eight years of science said they didn’t work. A Pfizer executive admitted under oath that their mRNA COVID vaccines were never tested for stopping transmission of the virus before being rolled out to the public.