Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of august 30, 2023

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of august 30, 2023: The latest video will be shown earlier at the official website, restoredrepublic. Co. Judy Note, Hurricane Adalia was about to hit Florida. No water available. Gas stations are out of gas. People in Walmart were getting sick from something in the air. Towns and cities evacuating with all the signs of what happened in Maui. 20 million people in Florida are trapped by gas stations. They are not allowing gas to be pumped into containers for generators or vehicles, saying the fuel is contaminated. People are being told to evacuate, but the gas stations are getting their fuel contaminated.

The governor, DeSantis, says the electricity for the whole state may go out. Airports in Florida are being shut down so people cannot leave by that route. Two hurricanes heading toward Florida and the East Coast. A state of emergency has been declared in the state of Florida and people are being told to leave, but that is being hindered. Contaminated fuel around Tampa can harm or stop the engines of vehicles. Even water will do that. Any fuel gotten after 10:00 AM Saturday at CITCO around Tampa and some other stations are contaminated and vehicles will stall out on the roads.

It took the Alliance Special Forces five years to clear 32,000 miles of underground dump tunnels across the globe while rescuing millions of children. Mission started July 2018, completed in August 2023. Marines, SEALs, head rescue of millions of tortured children while Trump implodes Fiat dollar for a global currency reset. The Caazarian mafia controlled west is about to fall over a cliff despite frantic attempts by its leadership to scare us back into submission with fire, plague, war, alien invasion, etc. What is interesting is that the collapse could include the government of Xi, Xi, and Ping in China, and not just the West.

That is why Jews are fleeing Israel and 11,000 Chinese millionaires are fleeing China. The US, the West, and KM about to fall into the abyss. The time has come for every veteran to remember that oath and be prepared to soon act on it. If not us, who? Veterans are the well-trained, regulated militia. Be ready, be vigilant, be strong. America depends on us. We are the only authentic Homeland security. Veterans’s Patriots Brigade on Telegram. For all you worried about the future, don’t be. The Federal Reserve has been rolled into the US Treasury.

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The IRS is no more. The Fiat US dollar is defunct and we are now functioning on a gold/asset-backed US note. Big pharmaceutical companies will be sued to oblivion. The oil market has been brought to zero to bring down Rockefeller. Free energy is on its way. Free MedBed treatments will replace hospitals and drugs to create maximum health by allowing the body to heal itself through light and sound waves. Constitutional law will grace the land. Nations will be sovereign and free. Cabal deep state agencies will come tumbling down. Worldwide peace will reign. A global currency reset.

Monday 28th of August, D-N-T, D-N-T, we are still set to go. Everyone is back on track and ready to go waiting on the green light. The banks are set. Money is in place. At first, international and regional agencies wanted currencies to go at separate times. They decided over the weekend that all currencies were to go at once. Now all currencies are scheduled to go now between now and Friday. Monday 28th of August marks. The chatter this morning is things were very much back on track. Mondays are usually super slow, so to get news over the weekend from a number of group leaders that things are back on track with great expectations is good.

We do have a number of folks on the bond side expecting final contracts on twos. 29th of August, final contracts mean they will be getting the final accounting, final documentation, and final pricing, plus a percentage of the transaction along with those. On Friday night, 25th of August, a couple of humanitarian projects received full funding. Monday 28th of August, Texas Snake, as just an FYI, keep your phones charged and your puters turned on this coming Wednesday, 30th of August. Very positive news about appointment notifications possibly being released. God bless. Charlie Ward. Months ago, everything was completed for the global currency reset. It just hasn’t been announced. The Bricks Nations, Bricks Bank, and QFS have been fully trading in gold-backed digital currency for 8-9 months.

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Wolvrain claimed that on Friday 18th of August, Wells Fargo Bank received the cash release codes and the global launch of the funds took place across the planet, marking the beginning of the registered global asset redemption program. The global currency reset appeared to be announced on 2s, August 22nd, 2023, when the Bricks Summit launched Bricks Pay, a decentralized multicurrency digital international payments system. New G&D code, Bricks and US military bringing it all down with Nicholas Van Yemien.

planet, marking the beginning of the registered global asset redemption program. The global currency reset appeared to be announced on 2s, August 22nd, 2023, when the Bricks Summit launched Bricks Pay, a decentralized multicurrency digital international payments system. New G&D code, Bricks and US military bringing it all down with Nicholas Van Yemien.

Bricks now composed of 60 countries. B global financial crisis. Monday 28th of August, Nizarra, Zazara, QFS, Young, Captain Kyle, Kelly. A prolonged freeze has settled on the US economy. C-restored republic. Sunday 27th of August. Endgame for American Empire. Endgame for the American Empire. The internal conflict since the election of Trump in 2016 and the subsequent coup, election fraud, scandemic. Now on war and unconstitutional persecution of Trump, leaves the country on the brink of Civil War, hanging gallows at the building in front of White House, ropes for traitors, New Genie code, bricks and US military bringing it all down with Nicholas Van Jaarman.

Kamala Harris is a man. His name is Kamala Roosborne and Benghazi as a British citizen in 1986. His father was an army general in the Libyan, Sanasi, Satanic Royal Army. He graduated from school in Iraq in 1959 and had higher training in the UK and Baltimore, Maryland, between 1960 to 1964. Saurau’s three big developments. Eric Grydens, George Saurau’s team that went after Grydens, charged with perjury and evidence dampering. Fbi agent plead guilty. Soroas-funded prosecutor Kim Gairdner admitted to wrongdoing, and this was after she was found guilty of over 70 instances of perjury.

Missouri SC ruled that Kim Gairdner has to turn over all communications, which includes those with Renos and Saurau himself. Sunday 27th of August. Intel Brunson-Skoda’s hearings 107. 107. New Intel the Brunson Scotus hearings. Doj admits Jag is the proper authority in the Bundy/Rodrigas case. Tom Fairbanks. F-timeline. In 2015 and 2017, the Rothschild patented COVID-19 biometric tests, filed and updated them years ago and were scheduled to be made public in September 2020. They knew in 2015 what’s going to happen in September 2020. On February fourth, 2021, the bankruptcy of the USA corporation was finalized. Paperwork was filed in Tallahassee, Florida. On Thursday 31st of August, the world’s largest bank credit suisse will be completely swallowed by UBS.

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Friday, September 15th, 2023. Executive Order 13-848 expires in 17 days, Friday, September 15th, 2023. The order that was signed by President Trump is in regard to imposing certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in US elections. The word foreign is in reference to US-incorporated that was formed as an illegal corporation government residing on foreign soil in the 10th square miles of the district of Colombia or Washington, DC. On October fourth, a nationwide test of the emergency alert system is planned in the United States.

A trial to ensure everything is working correctly in the event of a big national disaster or attack. G. International child sex trafficking, organ and Adrinochrome harvesting ring run out of the Vatican. Hosed in China’s Three Gorges Dam, Adrinochrome was put in barrels of the Dutch company Heineke and transported worldwide by the Dutch oil company Shell. Biden/obama tied to child sex trafficking, children, bodies rescued from US bio-weapon labs under Biden-Ukraine property, Catholics, government, elites kidnapped, tortured, killed native women, children, well over 60,000, Canada. Thousands of children rescued, mutilated bodies recovered from Biden-owned Ukraine property containing US-run bio-weapon labs, Fauci, big pharma tortuous experiments on foster children.

Over 200 died. H. Fires around the world. Nasa firms, fire information for research management system. The world is literally on fire. These impressions are from the whole last week, including today. Louisiana, Tiger Island Fire in SW Louisiana grows to 14K acres, prompts evacuations. Fire is now 85% contained, but fire danger remains high. A Maui Massacre. You can donate an urgent plea for help. The capital of the sovereign nation in the Hainamaui has been destroyed. Thousands of men, women, and mainly children are missing and presumed dead.