JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of august 31, 2023

JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of august 31, 2023: The latest video will be shown earlier at the official website, restoredrepublic. Co. Judy Note, what we think we know this as of twos. August 29th, 2023, EMR, electromagnetic waves, H-A-A-R-P, can penetrate and destroy everything on Earth. With EMR, electromagnetic pulses, you can cause wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamies, and tornadoes, such as happened in Canada, Greece and Maui on August eighth, and was set to happen in Florida and along the East Coast starting Wednesday, 30th of August. In the duotach in Maui, Hawaii, hundreds of men, women, and children were burned alive or killed.

Over 4,000 displaced, and now three weeks later, over 2,400 children remain missing. The people had refused to sell the land of their heritage so it could be transformed into a smart city where the cabal would rule their lives. The fire carnage was still going on in Canada. As in Hawaii, people were being held and unable to escape the flames while the fire department was not responding. This week, there were 20 million people in Florida who would be affected by two hurricanes heading toward them. As with Canada and Hawaii, there were communication blackouts plus water and gasoline shortages so people could not escape.

As with Hawaii, the hurricanes would clear out land that was planned to be developed into smart cities. Greece took better control over their fires and arrested 79 arsonists. World War III officially began on 2s August 8, 2023, when Deep State Laser Weapons, Dues, targeted the historical capital of the kingdom of Hawaii and Laianna, the Hawaiian native inhabitants of which were refusing to sell this land of their inheritance for a smart city development. Plus had long planned to leave the US in order to once again become their own sovereign nation of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Hawaii’s Democrat Governor Josh Green, La’ahana Mayor Richard Bison, Police Chief of Lai’ahana, who was also with the Las Vegas shootings, and 2,400 FEMA employees loyal to the Biden administration had refused to sound the alarm system when the fires began.

Turned off water to fight the fires and blocked roads so that hundreds were burned alive while trying to escape. Adults and children burned alive as FEMA, Maui cops blocked escape roads. Two days prior to the start of the fires, there were 2,500 FEMA employees who arrived in Hawaii to live it up in $1,000 plus night hotels. After the fires began and after helping Maui police block off the only entrances and exits to La Tana, resulting in hundreds of men, women and children being burned alive, Maui police and fema employees began killing survivors, closed the food bank, refused to give out desperately needed food, water, and supplies, enforced a communications blackout, and then attempted to fence out over 4,000 displaced Hawaiian natives from their property and homes.

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A week later, on Wednesday 16th of August, US Marines confronted 2,500 FEMA employees, a Maui National Guard Unit, infiltrated with CIA agents and Maui police. These Alliance Special Forces Marines, which took over the Maui situation, arresting and killing off perpetrators, wore shoulder patches embroidered with a figure of President Trump, showing that Trump was their commander-in-chief. A communications blackout still surrounded Lai’ahana, though eyewitnesses to the mass murder do attacks that destroyed the city and killed hundreds of Native Hawaiians, claimed that there were still well over 2,400 children and accounted for.

Prior to the fires, the Alliance Special Forces loyal to Trump had planned on charging and arresting certain authorities and elites for their participation in an international child sex trafficking ring centered in Laihata. 2,400 children missing in a Winfrey, Gates, Zuckerberg, CIA child trafficking cover-up. The child sex trafficking, Adrinochrome, and organ harvesting network operated in underground dump tunnels that ran beneath elite properties owned by Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and the CIA Operation Headquarters. This same underground network connected to 32,000 miles of underground dump tunnels across the globe that Special Forces teams had been trying to tell their children and trying to tell their children.

We are destroying the tunnels of and rescuing millions of children from since 2018. The underground war happening now, Part Two: Marines, SEALs, head rescue of millions of tortured children while Trump implodes Fiat dollar for a global currency reset. Trump was inaugurated US President in 2016 and has never left office. Through a military count of watermarked ballots in the 2020 election, it was found that Trump won in every state with an over 80% vote. President Trump then instigated the Insurrection Act and turned over control of the country to the US military. An interim military US government has been running our country ever since.

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Joe Biden, President of the defunct US Incorporated, a private corporation, has been played by actors since the 2021 presidential inauguration, which took place in part on a Hollywood sound stage a week prior to the actual ceremony at the US Capitol, surrounded by national guardsmen and a 10-foot fence, barbed wire facing inward. In January 2021 and prior to the inauguration, the real Joe Biden was arrested, tried in a military tribunal, and hanged for crimes against humanity. Ever since the three actors of Joe Biden appeared to have been controlled by both the Democrats and White Hat Alliance.

Biden’s appearances and actors used were dependent upon the need of a 3D chess game that the Black Hat and White Hat militaries were playing against each other. Congress, Biden arrested his military rescues tortured children from tunnels beneath Capitol Hill. A global currency that we set. Two’s 29th of August. Bruce, bondholder emails should come out Wednesday 29th of August. With access to funds on Thursday 30th of August. Tier 4B, us, the Internet group, will be notified to set redemptions/exchange appointments within 24 hours of bondholder notification.

On second 29th of August. A Treasury person on a Zoom call said Tier 4B should be notified to set appointments on Wednesday 30th of August or Thursday 31st of August and start exchanges on Thursday 31st of August or Friday first of September. Second 29th of August marks bond people still expect contracts. Two’s 29th of August evening. On Friday night, 25th of August, a couple of humanitarian projects received full funding. Two’s 29th of August, Ray-Ren-98, agency folk are on high alert supposedly through the night. I have a feeling that tonight’s going to be a good night. Monday 28th of August, DNT, everyone is back on track and ready to go waiting on the green light.

All currencies were scheduled to go between now and Friday first of September. Monday 28th of August, Texas Snake. On Wednesday 30th of August, very positive news about appointment notifications possibly being released. A banker was told to have all his trained exchange personnel at their exchange location starting Wednesday and forthgoing. Charlie Ward. Months ago, everything was completed for the global currency reset. It just hasn’t been announced. The Bricks Nations, Bricks Bank, and QFS have been fully trading in gold-backed digital currency for 8-9 months. Wolvireen claimed that on Friday 18th of August, Wells Fargo Bank received the cash release codes and the global launch of the funds took place across the planet, marking the beginning of the registered global asset redemption program.

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The global currency reset appeared to be announced on 2’s August 22nd 2023, when the Bricks Summit launched Bricks Pay, a decentralized multi-currency digital international payments system. Bricks Pay has just been announced for merchants and end customers worldwide. So far, it still looks like a normal payment service provider. It only gets interesting when your own new gold-backed currency is added. I’m not sure there will be a bang overnight and the old money system will shut down and only the new money system will run

There’s also some evidence that there could be a couple of years of transition with both systems. Just let the people in the competition decide. This would give providers the opportunity to integrate this service into websites and POS systems without crippling trade and the global economy for weeks to months overnight. B2s. August 29th 2023, Bruce, the big call, bondholder emails should come out Wednesday 29th of August. With access to funds on Thursday 30th of August, Tier 4b, us, the Internet group, will be notified to set redemption/exchange appointments within 24 hours of bondholder notification.

On 2s. On 29th of August, a Treasury person on a Zoom call said Tier 4B should be notified to set appointments on Wednesday 30th of August or Thursday 31st of August and start exchanges on Thursday 31st of August or Friday first of September. The Biden administration will be removed when the RV is activated. The new administration will be coming in at the same time as Nizarra/Jazara, which could happen the first of September. The EBS system should be activated on October first. Some form of announcement of the gold/asset-backed US note should kick in on Friday first of September. On Friday first of September, the Quantum financial system will be fully integrated.