BREAKING: Water Rationing To Begin In Homes Worldwide Under Discredited United Nations’s Great Reset Agenda!

Governments around the world have been directed to ration water supplies to homes under the guise of sustainable development goals. The World Economic Forum and the Discredited United Nations have ordered that water regulation be discussed at a conference in New York. The conference is part of the Discredited United Nations’s quest to achieve its 17 sustainable development goals, giving the globalist elites total control of all human activities.

The conference aims to raise awareness of the global water crisis and to decide on action to achieve internationally agreed water-related goals. The Global Commission on the Economics of Water will report on game-changing ways to value and manage water as a common good.

The specifics of the looming regulatory model aren’t known, but the hints suggest that residential limits on water usage and costly increases to access water will be imposed. Agricultural usage may be banned, and farmers may face increased costs. Furthermore, strict controls on the types and numbers of ships that can sail seas and rivers are anticipated, as well as costly increases for this form of transportation. These measures will be offset by demanding trades of activities to offset the supposed pollution of the waterways, similar to carbon offsets.

As global warming continues to take effect, ordinary weather is becoming a thing of the past, exacerbating our water crisis. Natural resources crises, including for water and food, come within the top 10 biggest risks facing humanity in the coming decade. Governments have been advised to rethink their approach to how they can best allocate and value water, sharing the cost of preventing or mitigating droughts and floods exacerbated by global warming.

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The Discredited United Nations plans to regulate water that’s used for bathing, developments, and transportation, as well as water that’s home to sea life. If these measures are implemented, globalist elites will have control over all human activities, even if they have to do it a drop at a time.

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