Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of June 17, 2023

Restored Republic via GCR Update as of. June 17, 2023, the latest video will. Be shown earlier at the official website. Restoredrepublic co judy Note adolf Hitler was. A Rothschild, the same family that owned. The Federal Reserve and controlled our politicians. Fox News ballad harvesting was part of. A sting operation biden crime family and. Company being arrested for fraud and in the coming days and will be living off Gitmo facing military tribunals. This is happening exactly at the end.

Of the fourth week that President Trump talked about.Dr. Otto Heinerich Orburg, winner of 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology, discovered the cause of cancer in 1923. Cancer grows in oxygen deprived acidic tissue. Diseases cannot survive in an alkaline body. Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. All viruses are manmade and have patents. There is a video of NASA filming. Armstrong in a moonlike simulator on Earth. Humans have not yet succeeded in going to space and Armstrong and NASA have. Lied to the people. All these theories have been planned and. Spread by globalists hitler started making human clones in 1938.Military Verified Trump Won 2020 Election back on November 8, 2020 Trump Win validated.By Quantum Blockchain System recount of Votes.

Visit the website right away to learn more about finance, currency and economic information. A global currency revaluation revival of America podcast slash In God We Trust, june 15, 2023 at 10:13 a.m est. Around 09:00 a.m. Est thursday 15 June the rescue of financial instruments began. The launch of the Global Fund took. Place in all parts of the world, marking the start of the Global Asset Redemption program registered with Redemption. This is great news for all recipients Tens of thousands of transactions around the World can start paying out T One to start by 14.6 hours. T Two to start after the start.

Of T One, approximately 19.06 to 23. The 100 highest priority files will start.At about the same time as T One. Mega files are included in these 100 priority files. If they respect what they said, there.Will be money in Zurich. Thursday afternoon 15 June sheila put out.Word that nothing would happen on Friday 15 June, but Tier four B would go on Monday 19 June. On that same Monday 19 June, the US will observe the federal holiday Juneteenth. To commemorate the end of slavery.

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Thursday 15 June marks my bankers at Redemption centers believe they will be working this weekend. Bond folks still have not gotten paid yet. They are on an hour to hour watch. B history and timeline. The US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Israel, UK, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand were teetering. On the brink of insolvency. On Thursday 1 June at 08:00 Est, the quantum financial systems Fed ISO 20,022 activated a universal language for global financial networks to communicate with each other. The 209 major countries now had their new gold slash asset backed currencies live. On the quantum financial system. On Sunday 4 June the new Iraqi dinar rate, the Kingpin of the GCR. Settled on bank screens. On Monday 5 June, the NY stock market began a death spiral as it reacted to the announcement of a new U. S. $36 trillion debt ceiling with no way to borrow the money, causing the US.

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Treasury to drop bonds over. Last weekend, the Admirals Group began releasing funds in. The Iraqi parliament approved their budget, with the new Iraqi denar rate to be implemented as of January 1, 2023. On Friday 9 June, Michael Rubin, head of the US paymasters, sent out contracts to 28 paymasters who were told they would be paid within 24 hours after signing their contract. On Saturday 10 June, the RV started in Zurich. By Sunday 11 January, France, Mexico and. Canada had joined Brazil, Russia, India, China.

And South Africa in BRICS. Egypt and most of Africa have asked.To join BRICS, while Germany is considering joining. There were 118 countries that would be at BRICS meeting this weekend of Friday 16 June who all wanted to be. Part of BRICS twos 13 June Q’s.Timeline 30 days from Mother’s Day Moab.Attack on the King and Queen. On that twos 13 June, Wales flew.To Reno and large church groups and Indian nations likely went liquid, though under.Strict NDAs not to talk about it.Wednesday, 14 June evening, Marks. The expectation is that the new dinar rate will be printed in the Saturday 17 June Gazette. Tier One and Tier Two are fully positioned but cannot yet spend their dollars.There was a lot of ranting, raving.And screaming from groups in Tier Four A telling them to not say anything or they will claw back everything.

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A lot of NDA is going on right now.Every time we turn around there is.Someone with a new NDA.Activation of the Emergency Alert System will trigger martial law in a global currency revaluation free inhabitant Dear four B notification to set exchange slash redemption appointments would come after the ease, which was expected.To begin at any moment.Sunday 18 June Jazzara slash Nizara announced during EBS disclosure implementation. On Monday June 19, 2023, the bank of England would migrate to the international payment system.ISO 20,022 Wednesday 21 June.pecial Counsel John Durham to testify on his report to House Judiciary Committee 1788.Became law on June 21.This was also the Satanic worshipper’s summer.Solstice, one of the most important Satanic.Holidays of the year, celebrated with saxual orgies using both adult and child victims followed by a human sacrifice of any.Age, male or female.Six year old Jenny Hills witness to a Satanic child sacrifice riot on June 21, 965 in Garden Grove, California. Thursday, 22 June supreme Court to consider whether or not to hear the Brunson.

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Case that could take down the Biden.Administration and all of Congress for not investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election. In June 2023, Social Security increases would begin, plus restitution allowances and Med bed appointments would start.The first part of July, the new.Quantum financial system will be completely interfaced in computers around the world that would be coordinating currency transactions through the international payment system.ISO 20,022 Judgment in July white Hat.Intel EBS white Hat Senior Intel Revealed.When in Trump Special Report June 2023.Sunday, 23 July. Inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr. A celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out.Twos 25 July queen Diana’s coronation in midAugust.Jim Rickards said BRICS is releasing their new commodity backed international currency.

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This is the death of the petrodollar.See the real news for Thursday, June 15, 2023 Social Security Update direct payment worth up to $4,555 goes out to millions today.Washington examiner disney stars are clones doctor.At Disney engineering lab admits to cloning stars to make them ready to do what Disney wants. Watch out for plastic foods american brand cheese found at Walmart and popular fast food places such as McDonald’s doesn’t melt.It’s literally one molecule away from being plastic.You can find many videos about it on the Internet, including some about nonmelting ice creams, where people have left them in the sun for hours and the ice cream still did not melt. Even flies did not want to touch.It, which is apparently smarter than some humans. Jag freeze.Jeff Sessions drop Salt Charges military Nabs.And other COVID criminal De international Child.

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trafficking, organ and adrenochrome harvesting ring.Run out of the Vatican twos 13.June children of Satan sergeant report the Children of Satan dustin Nemo’s video Opinion.Conservative thursday, 15 June world Run by.Satanic Pedophiles yes, the world really is run by Satanic pedophiles. And here’s proof j. P. Morgan chased to shell out $290,000,000 to Epstein victims ecovid Ebola swine flu slash polio smallpox BSE, Zika SAR Monkey Pox AIDS vac Graphene oxide Chemtrail Fluorideprocessed foods hoax pfizer is tracking the vaccinated via 5G technology red Bull tests positive for COVID-19 study proves natural immunity is superior to inoculation. Dr. Otto Heinrich Orburg, winner of 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology, discovered the cause of cancer in 1923.

Cancer grows in oxygen deprived acidic tissue. Diseases cannot survive in an alkaline body.Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline.All viruses are manmade and have patents.Dr. Judy Mikeovitz the plan is to inject humanity with the cancer virus.They’ve been doing this for the last 40 years. Never take another shot.

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