Hollywood Elite Summoned to Secret WEF Summit To Inject ‘Climate Change Propaganda’ Into Movies

The elite of Hollywood have been summoned to meet in Los Angeles for a four-day summit organized by the WEF designed to formulate a strategy to brainwash the masses about the “climate change crisis.” According to the AFP, thousands of actors, director and writers will convene with WEF-funded “scientists and activists” in an effort to “encourage movies and TV shows to use their outsized influence on audiences around the world.”

“Hollywood is an extremely powerful industry,” WEF associate Ali Weinstein said, adding “We are on the precipice of cultural change in many ways.”

“Every single person on earth is being affected by the climate crisis in some way. If we’re not showing that in our day-to-day content, that content is science fiction,” Weinstein continued.

Summit.news reports: The summit organisers complain that there isn’t enough propaganda in movies and TV shows currently and this needs to change.

“We see this as a huge problem because, for the most part, people on average spend more time with television and film characters than they do with their own families,” fellow summit co-founder Heather Fipps said, tellingly adding “We are activists operating within the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry is hypocritical. It hasn’t done enough.”

“It is really important for us to steep our fictional worlds in our reality,” Fipps added.

Of course, their reality doesn’t exactly jive with everyone else’s reality, as this footage of Jane Fonda, who is a keynote speaker at the summit, exemplifies:

Many Hollywood stars, such as Leonardo De Caprio, act like paragons of virtue when it comes to ‘saving the planet’, but in reality are complete hypocrites who hang out on massive luxury yachts and travel by private jet.

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It makes sense that such odious characters would spend four days gathered at a giant coping session in an attempt to offset the guilt of their fake ‘activism’.

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