Brit Hume Takes CBS To Task After They Ran Liberal Doomsday Prophet Special

On the Jan. 5 episode of Fox Business Tonight with anchor David Asman, Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume criticized CBS News’ 60 Minutes for giving Paul Ehrlich a platform to spread his outdated and debunked theories on population and climate. Hume specifically noted that CBS had become part of the “woke mob” by allowing Ehrlich to expound his thoughts.

The population-obsessed climate fanatic has been dismissed by many experts in the field, and Hume pointed out that CBS should not have given him a platform to spread his ideas. Hume’s comments echoed the sentiments of those who believe the media should not be giving a platform to the outdated and disproven theories of Ehrlich.

Overall, Hume’s comments were a reminder to the media to be more discerning when it comes to the people and ideas they choose to promote. By avoiding giving a platform to false and outdated theories, the media can ensure that only the best and most accurate information is presented to the public.

“It isn’t David just that this guy‘s been wrong. He’s been famously, extravagantly wrong,” Hume said.

It’s no wonder that CBS News was criticized by Brit Hume for giving Paul Ehrlich, author of the 1968 book Population Bomb, a platform to discuss climate apocalypse. Ehrlich’s predictions from the 1970s have never materialized, and even worse, he lost a 1980 bet with economist Julian Simon.

Ehrlich had predicted that the prices of copper, chromium, nickel, tin and tungsten would increase due to scarcity. Simon disagreed and bet Ehrlich that the prices of these commodities would instead decline. Every single one of Ehrlich’s predictions were wrong.

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This isn’t the first time that Ehrlich has been wrong, and this raises the question of why CBS News would still give him a platform. My guess is they did it to fit Biden’s narrative.

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