WTF? OUTRAGEOUS: Republican Congressman Joe Wilson Proposes Placement Of BUST Of Controversial Ukrainian President In U.S. Capitol!

South Carolina Republican Congressman Joe Wilson is under fire for his recent proposal to place a bust of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the House wing of the United States Capitol. The move has been met with widespread criticism and has raised serious questions about the Congressman’s priorities and loyalties.

The Washington Times reported that Representative Joe Wilson filed a resolution earlier this week directing the Fine Arts Board of the U.S. House of Representatives to obtain a bust of Mr. Zelenskyy for display. The Fine Arts Board has authority over all works of art and historical objects displayed on the House wing of the U.S. Capitol and the associated office buildings.

Representative Wilson, who has been in Congress since 2001, is a senior member of both the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees. Despite being a supposed conservative, Wilson has emerged as a strong supporter of Ukraine, going so far as to compare the country’s fight against Russian aggression to the American Revolution.

The proposal is particularly concerning given the fact that Zelenskyy, who came to power in 2019, is considered by many to be a highly controversial figure. His administration has been plagued by allegations of corruption and misconduct, and there are concerns that his government is in the pocket of special interests.

Critics have expressed dismay over Wilson’s proposal, which they see as a betrayal of his duty to represent the interests of the American people. Many are calling for his removal from office and demanding that he put the interests of his constituents and country first.

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This latest development is yet another example of the swamp draining even supposed maverick politicians, as Wilson goes from being a bold truth-teller to a sycophant of a corrupt dictator.

The U.S Capitol is supposed to be a symbol of American democracy and ideals, having a bust of a controversial leader who is not even in office anymore, is not acceptable. It is imperative that we have Congress members who put America first and are not subservient to foreign leaders and special interests.

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