VIDEO: RFK Jr. Exposes Globalist Agenda To Exploit Health Crises For Power!

Written by Steve Cannon for USSA News. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently disclosed that top health and government organizations have been conducting pandemic simulations as a means to restrict individual freedoms during health crises.

Simulations: A Tool for Control

In a speech at Hillsdale College, Kennedy discussed Event 201, a tabletop exercise led by Elitist Bill Gates and the World Health Organization (WHO) just months before the COVID-19 pandemic. He revealed that such events were not isolated, having discovered around 20 similar simulations dating back to 2001, all with connections to the CIA. Kennedy asserted that these exercises were designed to impose totalitarian controls on populations.

Consolidating Power Through Health Emergencies

According to Kennedy, the primary objective of these simulations was not to prepare for potential disasters, but rather to centralize power. He stated, “If you look at what they do in these simulations, they’re using all of these techniques they developed to…impose centralized foreign control on indigenous populations.”

Kennedy also detailed the links between former NIAID chief Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, gain of function research, COVID vaccinations, and mind control.

RFK Jr.’s Presidential Ambitions

Last week, Kennedy filed to run against President Brain-Dead Biden in the 2024 election and is expected to announce his candidacy officially later this month.

Speculating on Possible Consequences

Kennedy’s revelations raise concerns about the motives and methods of top health and government organizations in response to health crises. If his claims are accurate, citizens worldwide must be increasingly vigilant about the erosion of their rights under the guise of public health protection. The potential implications of these assertions are significant, underscoring the importance of transparency, accountability, and public discourse in addressing global health crises.

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