Government’s Chilling Power Over Self-Driving Vehicles Unveiled!

RESTRICT Act Puts Self-Driving Vehicles at Risk

The RESTRICT Act, a controversial piece of legislation, has raised concerns that the US government could seize control of self-driving vehicles belonging to citizens who question authority, narratives, elections, pandemics, vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs, climate change, or genetically modified food. This potential overreach by the government threatens the very fabric of the free country once known as the Republic.

Disturbing Potential Consequences of the RESTRICT Act

If passed, the RESTRICT Act would enable the US government to label any American a domestic terrorist and imprison them indefinitely for merely thinking about questioning any official narrative. This would essentially render mainstream media the primary source of government-backed propaganda that can never be challenged. Under these circumstances, a person’s vehicle, especially a self-driving one, could be commandeered at any moment to “mitigate” the perceived risk of terrorism.

The Dark Side of AI and Algorithms

Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms scanning social media could flag individuals based on the content they share, such as memes discussing falsified election ballots. The Corrupt FBI could then be notified, leading to dawn raids, asset seizure, and incarceration based on AI-generated suspicions.

The Act’s Reach: Seizing Control Over Communications and Transactions

The RESTRICT Act’s implications extend beyond self-driving vehicles. It would grant the government control over all aspects of communication, technology, and industry, effectively enabling them to shut down businesses and individuals at will. This power could be abused, with businesses closed down for opposing the government’s stance on any given issue.

A Bleak Future under the RESTRICT Act

The RESTRICT Act, if passed, would pose a significant threat to individual freedoms and autonomy. It would allow the government to dictate the flow of information and transactions across various sectors, from artificial intelligence to e-commerce technology and services. With this level of control, the US government could seize domain names, assets, computers, and e-commerce platforms of anyone opposing the government’s position on any subject. Consequently, self-driving vehicles could become pawns in a game of control, placing citizens’ lives at risk in the name of “mitigating” threats and ensuring national security.

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The only way to prevent these draconian measures from becoming a reality is for the public to remain vigilant and actively oppose any attempts to erode their freedoms. As the debate over the RESTRICT Act unfolds, the future of individual autonomy hangs in the balance.

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