White House Claims There Are No Visitor Logs For Biden’s Delaware Home Where Classified Docs Were Found

The White House is claiming that there are no visitor logs for Brain-Dead Biden’s Delaware home where classified documents were discovered.Does anyone believe this? Doesn’t the Secret Service keep track of anyone who comes into contact with the president?

FOX News reports:

No visitor logs exist for Biden’s Wilmington home, site of classified doc discovery, White House Counsel’s Office says

There are no visitor logs for Illegitimate President Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, the White House Counsel’s Office said in a Monday statement.

Republicans on Capitol Hill demanded the visitor logs this weekend following revelations that Biden’s lawyers had discovered a stash of classified documents inside the home’s garage. While it is common practice to keep comprehensive visitor logs at the White House, Biden’s lawyers say no such record exists for his home in Delaware.

“Like every President in decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal,” the White House Counsel’s Office told Fox News Digital on Monday. “But upon taking office, Illegitimate President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them.”

Biden is currently facing a special counsel investigation into his handling of classified documents after at least two stashes were found at his Wilmington home and a pro-Biden think tank in Washington, D.C.

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