Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of January 25, 2023

Restored Republic via GCR Update as of January 25, 2023: The Deep State central banks were insolvent and expecting bank runs at any time. Meanwhile, as alliance military operations continued, children were still being rescued, dumbs destroyed and cabal governments around the globe collapsing. One such instance recently took place in a remote area of Utah. It was reported that a Delta Force vs. Blackwater military confrontation from Thursday 12 January to Saturday 21 January 2023 culminated in 259 blackwater deaths. See Hashtag D below. Sunday, 22 January Crypto firm Genesis to become latest bankruptcy as industry continues to collapse JD. Hayes Cabal CBDC tyranny Putin recently said on national TV, we are fighting against Satanists. This is a holy war and we have to win.

Since the early 1900 and forty’s, the Cabal’s US Incorporated CIA, in conjunction with the Vatican, have been running an international child sex trafficking, organ and adrenochrome harvesting ring that not only was a main source of income for them, but utilized the satanic rights of rape and child sacrifice to mind control thousands of children and no one knows it. Because the judicial system and mainstream media were complicit in these unthinkable crimes against humanity. A global currency reset. Monday, 23 January marks Redemption Center folks have not been called in. They are on a two hour on call this weekend.

There is still very positive chatter. Most of my banking contacts still believe it will happen by February 1. Nobody knows the exact date except a handful of folks that pull the trigger. Do I still think January is possible? Absolutely. They have positioned the money and could pull the trigger at any time. Monday, 23 January sheila, I hear a delegation from Iraq has been here a week to work on putting the Dinar rate live in the system and we have been over there in Iraq working on the rate to go live there as well. I hear the rate will be live on the 29th. There is no way they will have a live ISX Iraq stock exchange rate on the 29th without having a rate. You cannot trade on the Nasdaq with the ISX without having a rate and that is the whole purpose of the delegation being over here.

I know each country will have their own transition. I know the Philippines has announced they have a new monetary policy. Each country is going through a transition and will have new money, a new rate. They are having these discussions openly. If you watch foreign news, they make it very clear that they are transitioning to a new monetary policy with a new asset backed currency. It just happens that the US. Is last. The month of January is a transition for us. Even in foreign news articles I have seen them say the US. Will transition from their old dollar to their new dollar as of January 31.

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They may announce it between now and the 31st to the people, but they have 60 days to transition over to that fee. It is a thing of the past. Everybody’s money will transition it’s in the banking system. It will convert over one to one. Our announcement to our gold standard and asset backed dollar began at the UN building on 915. Iraq started on September 22 and Zimbabwe’s began on September 23 when they announced it at the UN building. Once they make this announcement officially, you have a period of time to get things in order from that moment. If you go back and look up that event on September 15 at the UN in New York City, you will see there was a whole host of security around that event for that purpose. On November 25. It was also announced in Switzerland that Nazareth Jazzara was in effect.

These things have legal timeframes around them. They don’t just happen overnight. Once it is implemented, it could be a 30 day cycle or a 60 or 90 day cycle. It could be 120 days for Nizara. Originally, Nizara started and initiated on September 17, 2019. This is not something that was overnight. Everyone should know that the Glitches going on at Boa and things like the big layoffs at Goldman Sachs. You are seeing a big transition in banks, a big transition to our future asset backed money. I am hearing it may take up to eight years for the cycle to complete. And before we go to a completely virtual system, we will have cash in the new system and also digital access.

We all will have a learning curve to go through. How long have they been training Iraq on this particular system? I think it’s been probably three years. This has been going on for some time in Asia as well. The US is just the last one to do it. I believe the EBS will happen after we get started exchanging then the ten days of disclosure. Remember my bank put up a sign saying they are going to a new system on February 3. Makes me warm and fuzzy. Marks Stop worrying about if you will have time to turn in your current fiat bills. We will have plenty of time. I am told that once it starts, ideally they would like to keep it to 30 days to get them all out of circulation, but I was told it will be more like 90 days.

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Coins will still be usable. You do not have to exchange your coinage. Charlie Ward everything will be finished in January. New Charlie Ward and Jason Q resetting the world. The payment system going back to 55. The tier four B US the Internet group notification window to set foreign currency exchange and Zimbabwe redemption appointments was still any time from now through twos 31 Jan, although some say it would happen within the next few days.

The eight US regional call centers and 7000 redemption centers were on call as of wed one Feb 2023. Any fee at US dollar printed prior to 2021 will no longer be accepted as legal tender anywhere in the world, according to a US Treasury letter, although the state may be moved further back a few days. Bruce Marks By February 2 3rd, fiat currencies were set to be pulled out of banks and stores. Bruce Jazzara and Nizra that includes debt relief and universal basic income started Thursday 19 January and will be complete by Wednesday, 1 February.

Bruce Right now, monies in American private citizens bank accounts were automatically converting to be gold slash assetbacked. March 2023 was the deadline to have all 209 major countries currencies of the world be on a gold slash assetbacked standard and exchanging at a one to one with each other a situation expected to last up to five years. B the real news for Monday, January 23, 2023 biden’s classified documents former boss of two major mainstream media organizations admits they openly lie to push their own agenda. General Burger wounded but recovering Nikola Tesla explained in 16 minutes. Counterintelligence Agent arrests collapse Russiagate A former highranking FBI agent who was a key player in the Russia hoax was arrested today for being a paid minion of Russian oligarch.

Aleg Deripaska reports retired Colonel John Mills with his extensive knowledge of counterintelligence, mills claims that this arrest permanently destroys the Democrats deep state narrative against President Trump. C COVID Monkey Puck Facts Drugs Hoax remember the PCR tests while the MSM have confirmed that they were laced with poisonous chemical sodium azide. D Delta Force versus Blackwater military confrontation in Utah from Thursday, 12 January to Saturday, 21 January 2023 culminated in 259 Blackwater Academy deaths. Tom Fairbanks, founder of Community Support Foundation On Monday, January 9, SCOTUS decided not to hear the case Brunson versus Adams et al. Which prompted my reply to comments that the game was not over, but rather it was only half time.

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On Tuesday, January 10, I was notified that Monday was a shatter point for the Constitution and that a large military action was now underway. Although I was told not to say anything about it at that time, it has occurred to me since then that the military was waiting for a catalyst to intervene. I believe that this has now since then. We were notified that the airlines had been grounded due to a malfunction, but at the same time there were 52 to 58 military refuelers in the air, supporting an untold amount of other military aircraft with destinations unknown. These groundings of aircraft, we later learned, were in three different countries.

We also had a report that General Burger had gone missing, who has since been located and returned from his captors, who interrogated, tortured and abused him. His captors are now lifeless. In Salt Lake and Utah counties in the state of Utah, the Department of Child and Family Services DCFS, in conjunction with the courts, have appeared to be relentless in overreach to violate parental rights and placing children in harmful situations, and are physically removing children from their parents and homes. Longtime professional has commented that they have never seen this type of behavior in their 40 plus year careers. One individual who spoke with me said that DCFS appears to be desperate in their attempts to generate a source of income.

The investigations of satanic ritual abuse in Utah Jeweb and San Pete counties surrounding David Olevet and David Hamblin continue at a record pace in revealing numerous abusive events and victims, which together illustrate the enormity of the problems, along with the efforts of those in authority to cover it up here in the state of Utah. On Thursday, January 12, my military liaison informed me that he had been attacked by a seven man team of paramilitary types while pursuing a personal assignment connected to both of us.

The attempted ambush did not go well for these would be attackers, each of whom was neutralized. A nearby commander of a Delta for Steam was dispatched for recovery and cleanup efforts. Their report showed that the attackers were member of an elite force known as Zor Academy, formerly known as Blackwater. Sort of make you wonder just how it is that a bunch of nobodies from the State of Utah can be so.

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