JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of July 11, 2023

JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE: Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of July 11, 2023: The latest video will be shown earlier at the official website, restoredrepublic. C o. Judy note, the global financial system implosion was imminent. Us Incorporated, IMF, UN, World Bank, World Economic Forum, and central banks around the world were now bankrupt, defunct corporations without sovereignty. The IRS and Federal Reserve have been shut down, while the bankrupt US Treasury has been transferred to the new US Treasury funded by gold and other assets of the restored Republic and resides on an Indian reservation near Reino, Nevada. 4,000 banks, including Bank of America and Wells Fargo, were said to fail.

General Flynn discovered that the Obama administration was creating funding and arming of jihadas to later waive the flag of Isis. Saturday, eighth of July, Canada, BQQM. Storm of the Century, military moving through Canada and positioning for the Storm of the Century, Canada’s Unseen Battle. Sunday, ninth of July, US, panic in DC and DNC. Military coup is being pushed by white hats through social media and networks. Us Capitol Police chief admitted the January sixth crowd was filled with feds. Narrative collapse. Tucker Carlson says Capitol Police chief admitted Gen 6 crowd was filled with feds.

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Saturday, eighth of July QFS, exposing the deep state’s machinations. The Great Money Laundering Scheme tells taxpayer money laundered through privately owned tax offices. According to a 2008 Time magazine article, the CIA owns Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean and takes detainees there to torture them, such as those on Malaysia Airlines flight MH 300 70. Ten days after the flight disappeared, an IBM employee posted a picture of the CIA Diego Garcia Island torture room. Saturday, eighth of July, the final showdown, the final showdown, the deep state’s death sets the world a blaze. Brace for impact. Saturday, eighth of July, Ben Fulford, Chapter 11 bankruptcy filed an action on the three pillars of the deep state. Finance, religion and military.

One, city of London UK Royals. Finance bankrupted. Two, Vatican Rome. Religion bankrupted equals Hologram Pope. Iron Bridge collapsed. Pope’s Swiss Guards quit. Three, Washington DC Military Bankrupted. Warning. There were reports of some asking for you to hand over your foreign currencies and or ZIM bonds to them, saying they will exchange or redeem them for you. Do not give in to this scam. Only the purchaser of the currency or bond can legally exchange or redeem that currency or bond at a redemption center for the higher rates. Exceptions were that if you have given someone currency or bonds, along with a notarized gift letter saying you have done so, or if you have given someone power of attorney over your affairs.

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The bottom line, if someone tries to turn in your currency or bonds without your authorization, they could be arrested. Listen to the full version on the official dinn arport. Com website and become our supporter on patron. A, the new Quantum Financial System’s global currency reevaluation, slaves no more to the cabal. Saturday eighth of July marks the chatter out of Iraq is that all eyes are between now and the 12th when they release the funds in their budget. Is there a lot of hope that’s when it will go? Absolutely. They have everything in place to pull the trigger. Guru Intel update. New Iraq didn’t rate likely on Sunday ninth of July. Thursday sixth of July Bruce, tier 4B, us, the internet group, should receive notification to set appointments around 630 PM, Sunday evening, ninth of July.

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Wednesday, 12th of July was a back date given for release of the new Iraqi dana rate using NEAR, RV for Iraqi dana using NEAR by David Harkness, July sixth, 2023. China has defaulted on a trillion’s debt to US bond holders, which will undermine the US dollar and euro, making them disappear. Charlie Ward on Saturday, eighth of July. Friday, seventh of July death of the Fiat currency system and birth of our GCR, Awaken 3D. The Fiat currency debt system is hurtling headlong into total collapse. It may start slowly at first, but as a series of financial stress points develop, a chain of events will accelerate into a sudden systemic crash. The recent demise of one Swiss and three US banks is just the tip of the iceberg.

The domino effect is already in motion and it won’t be too long before the entire global financial system crumbles, leading to the birth of our GCR. Former Black Rock employee, the global Fiat currencies are about to fail. If this collapse is imminent, it just means one thing from my perspective, the RV is right around the corner. Rv stands for the Revaluation of the Current Currenciesies. This is the birthing of a new financial system on the horizon. The new currency will be backed by gold. No more inflations and no more making money from thin air. I can’t wait for this to happen.

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What an exciting time to be living in. On Friday 30th of June, the US Incorporated Federal Reserve and US Incorporated Treasury were asked to hand over all their assets as they were unable to pay back the global repository the quadrillions owed. On Saturday, first of July, the new Quantum Financial System began interfacing in computers around the world to coordinate currency transactions through the International Payments System system ISO 20 2022. Also on Saturday, first of July, the Fiat US dollar transferred into a gold asset backed US note. On Sunday, second of July, about 5 PM ESD, the dinar rate on the forex went public. A live foreign currency convertor showed it was fluctuating in value. 1 million IQD to USD, Iraq dinars to US dollars exchange rate, Z. Com, Kandbaba, Iraq dinar 4 dollars and 86 cents international rate.

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On Monday third of July, July, Sofra, Libra, and many nations dumped their US treasures on twos. Fourth of July, the Quantum Financial System was fully integrated worldwide. By October 2023, all protocols for the QFS should be complete. We will experience two resets while gold will destroy the Fed X22 report. Bricks has finally overtaken G7 in global GDP. Bricks is dominating the economic plane. The current Bricks currently accounts for 31.5 % of global GDP while the G7 contributes 30 %. Tier 1 banks are receiving an upgrade compatible with SEPA and Swift Payments. Its purpose is to facilitate cross border international settlement efficiently. This upgrade supports multiple currencies and it enables seamless transactions in multiple units. Multiple units refers to having a multi currency account. This allows you to hold, receive and spend multiple foreign currencies as you wish.

Goldilocks, Dynar Detectives, Internationalism for Iraq, Militiaman, Militiaman, Dynar Detectives, Iraq Dynar Recaps from Dynar guru and intel. Qfs, exposing the deep state’s machinations. The Great Money Laundering Scheme taxpayer money laundered through privately owned tax offices. Be Restored Republic, the Brunson Brothers filed a number of petitions that sued members of Congress and the Biden administration for violating their oath of office by not protecting the people’s right to fair elections through certified trying the 2020 election before investigating 50 formally filed allegations of voter fraud. The Supreme Court accepted the Lloyd Brunson petition, Supreme Court docket number 22 to 1,028, and agreed to another conference on February 17, 2023. The announcement of the Supreme Court decision on that and another voter fraud case before the Supreme Court presented by Sidney Powell, was expected at any time.

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A Supreme Court ruling in favor of the petitions would dissolve the Biden administration and all of Congress. See, Bobby and Ken versus Goliath IRS update. Barbara and Ken Kromar were in the epic battle with the deep state and our corrupt judicial system. Even though they had proven to a federal tax court that they owed no monies to the IRS. The deep state descended on them with 75 men’s SWAT teams and not only took their home, but all their possessions, including expensive equipment Ken used to make a living. If it happened to the Patriot Kromars, it could happen to you. Update Ken and Bobby versus Goliath IRS, the Good, Bad and Great News. Crime All Stars.

There is a massive movement in this nation to normalize and legalize pedophilia. On a global level, it’s part of the Web World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and his PDU friends, and the UN’s agenda. Dtimeline. The first week of July, the military began mass arrests according to Fulford. Either Monday, 10th of July or Sunday, 23rd of July could be the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and his VP. Jfk Jr. In a celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out.

A Japanese general told Benjamin Full Four. Net that the Rockefeller Controlled Biden horror show will be over by Monday, July 10th, 2023, with Trump reinstated as President and JFK Jr. As Vice President. Bqm Big Event Monday, July 10, 2023. Www. G1. Gha, the Pentagon Papers on Telegram MedBed appointments were said to be available starting Monday, 10th of July. Wednesday, 12th of July was a back to back.

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