General Mattis Committed Treason Against Trump?

In a bombshell revelation, Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) appeared on FOX Business Network and revealed some shocking news about the Pentagon and the former Secretary of Defense, General Mattis. According to Rep. Waltz, the current Pentagon officials briefed him over the weekend that during the Trump administration, Chinese spy balloons crossed over Texas and Florida, but General Mattis kept it a secret from President Trump and the White House.

This is a stunning indictment of the former Secretary of Defense, and could be considered treason if true. The Pentagon allegedly thought President Trump was “too provocative and aggressive,” and thus made the decision not to inform him of the spy balloons. This decision put the country in danger and allowed the enemy to spy on American installations without being detected.

The House Republicans must act now and demand that General Mattis testify under oath to answer for his actions. This is a shocking turn of events, especially considering that President Trump was the first US president in over 40 years not to start a war.

Rep. Waltz raised questions about the Trump Administration’s knowledge of the situation, asking “Did the Pentagon under the Trump Administration inform the White House or did they keep it secret for fear of an aggressive response?” The public eagerly awaits General Mattis’ testimony and the potential consequences of any involvement in the cover-up. Rep. Waltz wonders, “What was General Mattis aware of and what did he choose to share with the President?”

Theese recent revelation by Rep. Waltz raises important questions about the role of the Pentagon and former Secretary of Defense General Mattis during the Trump years. If the speculation that the Pentagon deliberately kept information about Chinese spy balloons crossing over the US from the White House due to concerns about President Trump’s aggressiveness is true, it’s a serious matter that demands investigation. As we wait for General Mattis to come forward and clarify his actions, let us hope that truth prevails and justice is served.

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