Donna Brazile ‘Guarantees’ Underappreciated Kamala Harris Will Be Party’s 2024 Nominee If Joe Doesn’t Run

As Joe Biden’s disastrous first term as President drags itself across the halfway mark, Fox News Contributor Tammy Bruce believes two Senators may emerge as the face of the Democratic party.

Bruce and former California State Senator Gloria Romero (D-East Los Angeles) joined Fox host Steve Hilton on “The Next Revolution” on Sunday to discuss the possibilities for a Democratic 2024 ticket.

Hilton began the segment with a clip of former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile explaining that Biden “doesn’t need to announce his reelection till late fall, before the deadlines to get on the ballot in some of those key strategic states.”

Brazile went on to suggest that Biden may not run at all, and if he doesn’t, she “guarantees” Vice President Kamala Harris will be the party’s nominee.

Harris is “is incredible,” she told ABC’s “This Week.”

“She is standing in her own power,” Brazile gushed. “She has been, at every step, helpful to this president and getting his agenda through the United States Congress.”

“While her poll numbers may not reflect her true popularity, I can guarantee you, Kamala Harris will not be replaced on the party’s ticket,” she stated. “And I can also guarantee you, if Joe Biden decides not to run, Kamala Harris will become the next nominee of the Democratic Party.”

This, Hilton noted, would come as a blow to California Governor Gavin Newsom, but as the host pointed out, “it seems others have their doubts about him, too.”

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“I would dial down the moralizing about other people’s lack of courage and make the points you want to make, because when you do it the other way, the coded message is, ‘Why can’t they be more like me?’” Hilton quoted David Axelrod, former chief strategist for Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns, as saying about Newsom. “And that’s an unappealing message… Doesn’t exactly make friends either.”

“He’s a very talented performer and he’s got a powerful story in many ways,” Axelrod continued. “But the authenticity thing is important. And it’s TBD as to whether he communicates that.”

For reactions to Brazile’s and Axelrod’s comments, Hilton turned first to Romero, who said, “The last thing that Democratic voters want to hear is  that this is suggestive of a rigged election.”

“It is rather, I think, infuriating to say that someone is going to be guaranteed as the Democratic Party nominee,” she stated. “No. The voters will decide that. And whoever it may be, I would say that what Gavin [Newsom] has going for him is that he is not part of the Biden/Harris administration, and whatever his faults may be, voters will remember that.”

“It seems there is a bit of a head fake going on by trying to push Joe out, to not file until much later,” she continued. “That just means that they are trying, basically, to run the clock.”

“It also keeps the donors from taking steps,” Bruce chimed in. “So the longer Joe Biden takes, the less donors will know where they should go. So keeps others from others from being able to get and spend money.”

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Bruce said Brazile is right about Harris’ poll numbers not reflecting her true popularity, “because it’s probably lower.”

“Americans are going to have a choice,” she stated. “This is also an opportunity for the Democrats.”

“And you know who really represents the Democratic base, Steve, is Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema,” Bruce said. “And Kyrsten couldn’t be a Democrat anymore. Who knows what Joe Manchin will do. So this could, in fact, be a real devolution of the Democratic Party at this point.”

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