World War 3: NATO Is Preparing To Fight Two Wars At Once

A new report reveals that NATO is preparing to fight two wars on two fronts, neither of which are on the alliance’s home turf, as NATO nations are not only actively inflaming tensions with Russia but are preparing a military pivot towards China.

NATO leadership is taking part in a Brussels summit this week, where they’ll adopt guidance on fighting two simultaneous wars, with the most likely scenario being that the alliance could become entangled not just in a war with Russia over Ukraine, but in a war with China over Taiwan. These revelations are especially troubling considering recent statements from England, which is considered one of the more militaristic NATO nations along with the United States, that say the British military could run out of ammunition after just thirty minutes of combat.

According to a report from Bloomberg, NATO members are meeting in Brussels to sign a classified document that will have them increase their defense spending and prepare “national plans for future military engagements.”

The “future military engagements” are expected to be a “high-intensity so-called Article 5 conflict,” in which a NATO nation is attacked by a foreign power (there has been great concern that NATO could start an Article 5 war with Russia by setting up a false flag attack against Poland), as well an “out-of-area, non-Article 5 event,” like a Chinese attack on Taiwan.

The official move by NATO to gear up to fight two wars on two fronts, including at least one outside of NATO’s footprint, is a massive escalation for the Euro-American alliance, which was founded as a mutual defense group but has increasingly taken an aggressive posture on the world stage.

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While the upper echelons of NATO based in the United States, Britain, France, and Germany have taken aggressive stances against Russia and catapulted the alliance towards war over Ukraine, a non-NATO nation, some smaller European NATO countries have spoken out.

Recently, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic criticized NATO tank deliveries to Ukraine, and the deliveries of lethal weapons to Ukraine altogether, calling the NATO arming effort “deeply immoral” and warning against the potential nuclear consequences of attacking Russia by way of Ukraine.

“What is the purpose of this war? Victory over a nuclear superpower that is fighting in its borders?” Milanovic asked.  “Can you defeat such a state by conventional means? What is the answer, is it possible to divide it into parts? They will then launch thousands of nuclear warheads in response and everyone will cry.”

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