Tractor Supply Chicken Feed Scandal Rocks Poultry Industry! ESG To Blame!

A recent alteration to the popular “Producer’s Pride” chicken feed sold by Tractor Supply has caused chickens to stop laying eggs, according to multiple farmer sources. The reduction in egg production has been reported to be much greater than the normal decrease seen during the winter months, with some farmers reporting that their hens are laying zero eggs.

The cause of the reduction in egg production is still unknown, but some suggest that the feed’s new formulation may have a lower protein content. This news comes at a time when chicken and egg prices have reached historic highs, driven in part by Avian Flu and inflation under the Brandon Administration.

“We pride ourselves here at Kreamer Feed on premium nutrition for animals nationwide, and all of the products in our organic, non-GMO brand Nature’s Best Organic Feeds line is no exception,” said Courtney Price, spokeswoman for Nature’s Best Organic Feeds. This statement is in contrast to reports from farmers who use Tractor Supply’s “Producer’s Pride” feed, as well as the “Dumor” brand owned by Purina.

The U.S. poultry feed market is valued at $5 billion per year, with Tractor Supply and Purina being two of the most popular brands among backyard chicken homesteaders. However, the recent reports of chickens not laying eggs have led to public concern that the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum) may be artificially causing food scarcity. The World Economic Forum has been widely criticized for encouraging citizens to eat bugs instead of animal protein.

Tractor Supply’s CEO is Hal Lawton, based in Nashville, Tennessee. The company is a publicly-listed corporation with $13 billion in annual revenue, 46,000 employees, and 2,003 locations in 49 U.S. states. The company’s target market is rural Americans, with the tagline “for life out here.”

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Tractor Supply’s board of directors is made up of 10 individuals, including Joy Brown, a former executive for Vanguard, an index fund with $5 trillion under management. Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street are among the major index funds that financially support the World Economic Forum. These funds are also behind the “social credit” and “ESG” left-wing movements among corporate America to force businesses into left-wing economic and cultural compliance.

Another Tractor Supply board member, Thomas Kingsbury, previously bragged about implementing ESG initiatives while working as an executive at Kohl’s. And board member Andre Hawaux is a former executive with ConAgra, which has been criticized for using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to change the genetic composition of its foods, which some say causes sterility.

One Wyoming farmer described ConAgra to the Gateway Pundit as “a company that puts profits over the well-being of farmers and animals.”

As the poultry industry continues to face challenges, the public demands answers from Tractor Supply and its board of directors. The question on everyone’s mind: is this reduction in egg production a temporary or permanent change? And what exactly is in the new feed formulation?

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