This Bizarre “Fallen Angel” Statue Was Recently Unearthed in Russian Mine

Angels have long been a subject of statuary, and ever since the classic Doctor Who episode, “Blink” in 2007, they have taken on an especially creepy and sinister mien. In the show, all stone statues of “weeping angels”—so common in cemeteries all over Europe and the Americas— are intact inter dimensional beings of great terror who can only move when no one is watching them, and are capable of stealing time from their victims.

This strange, creepy angel statue was allegedly discovered in Russia, and looks for all the world like a monster from a television show. But what is it, really?


Angel Statue Found, Real Or Fake???? #fyp

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The Russian miners who filmed this viral video claim to have unearthed the statue in a mine in the Sakha Republic, which is located in the far east portion of Russia. The statue bears a sword and shield, and appears to be swathed in a robe made of actual cloth. It also has a pair of massive wings on its back. In the viral video of the object, it is claimed to be a “fallen angel.”

They also claimed to have dug it out with an excavator, and that it was emitting “some kind of energy.”

But it turns out that none of this is real. According to a segment issued by Elga Mine officials after this video went viral, the statue had been sitting around at the mining camp for some time before the workers there decided to create an internet sensation with it. It was just supposed to be a joke.

But hey, who can believe any news coming out of Russia these days?

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