Watchdog Group: Senior Biden Official Stood To Profit On Nixed Pipeline Project

Here we go again! A watchdog group found that a Biden senior official potentially profited from the hault on pipeline construction and the loss of American jobs! The Biden administration has been caught in yet another scandal, this time involving its deputy director of policy and programs at the Bureau of Land Management, Nada Wolff Culver.

It has been revealed that when she suspended drilling leases in Alaska, she stood to benefit financially from the decision, as she owned up to $15,000 in bonds with the energy conglomerate ConocoPhillips, which could have profited from the government strong-arming its competitors out of the region.

This is just the latest example of unethical behavior from the Biden administration, and it’s a clear failure to live up to the highest ethical standards that all government officials should be held to. Not only is this unethical and illegal, but it’s also a slap in the face to the American people.

The same can be said of Tracy Stone-Manning, the director of the Bureau of Land Management. She was accused of lying about her involvement in an eco-terrorist tree-spiking plot during her confirmation hearings and narrowly escaped prosecution in 1993. If confirmed, she would have served in the Biden administration despite her questionable past.

These unethical decisions by the Biden administration have cost Americans their jobs, their livelihoods, and their trust in their government. The Biden administration has been unwilling to take responsibility for its actions and has failed to be transparent about its dealings. It’s time for this administration to be held accountable for its actions and for it to take responsibility for the ethical lapses of its officials.

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We have a right, as citizens of this country, to expect our leaders to act with integrity and to set a good example for the rest of us. But instead, the Biden administration has demonstrated a blatant disregard for ethics and the law, and that’s unacceptable. We must demand that our government officials act with the highest standards of integrity and that they be held accountable for their actions.

America is a country that has long prided itself on its commitment to justice, fairness, and democracy. It’s time for the Biden administration to re-commit to these values by taking responsibility for its actions and ensuring that its officials are held to the highest standards of ethical conduct. We can’t let unethical behavior from the top go unchecked. We must restore trust in our government by holding all government officials accountable for their actions.

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